Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Home Sick

OMG, so sick! Sucks. Yesterday morning I started to feel horrible and it just escalated all day long. I ended up leaving the office early, for I think, like the first time ever. Came home and basically fell asleep in the sun room until like 7 p.m. when Kurty got home. Kurt then told me I should stay home today, I was that sick. So, I did. Went to the doctors as well and I have the beginning of sinusitis, so they wrote me a scrip for amoxicillin and I bought some Mucinex since I was out. I basically stayed on the couch, all day long with the pugs. And, felt guilty that I was not at work. But, I would have not been very productive anyway. My head feels so stuffed up. Ugh. I need to get better, I dont have time to be sick.

An electrician came yesterday and looked at the ceiling fan job as well as some work I need done in the kitchen. Gave us an estimate, and are coming back on Sunday to complete the project. I can't wait!


  1. Feel better soon!!!

  2. Hope you feel better soon!!!

  3. Hope you feel better soon and YAY for getting tasks completed!

  4. Feel better soon!!
