Friday, January 08, 2010

Kurt on Fox News Yesterday


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Hi Lori, just want to encourage you and your husband to continue with this - regarding the Fox video, it's amazing to watch the interviewer skilfully line up the " procedure failure " argument at the end of the interview....that must have felt frustrating for Kurt when the point he was trying to make was related to the baffling non-release of the video footage....keep up the good fight !

  2. Anonymous6:05 PM

    kuddos to fox news...not only did they have Kurt on twice (that I know of)...during this interview...the interviewer had him repeat/recap the story

    Unlike, most of the main stream media looks like fox is letting Kurt repeat his statements and his requests for the video.

  3. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I have great respect for you both. I hope they never get to you and that you maintain your consistency with what you witnessed. You are a thorn in the side of those who would want us to accept their "Official" version of what happened. Way to stand up for what is right...THE TRUTH!! Orwell said it best, "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"

  4. Thank you for hanging in there with this...integrity is required for a full grasp of reality... something our government seems to have lost touch sense is that your integrity could unravel much hidden wrong within our government, if someone in government would only follow up on what you saw and have spoken...We need to see the video from Amsterdam now and see the real deal and not a faked substitute ...Thanks so much for being out front on this...God wouldn't have picked you for this if you weren't strong enough to carry it through Bless you both Bruce

  5. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Hey Kurt and Lori,
    I was listening to Drew and Mike this morning and they interviewed Chris Hansen who has a Flight 253 special coming up on Sunday night. Mike Clark asked Hansen about the bomber getting on the flight without a passport and being accompanied by a "sharp-dressed man". Hansen brushed it off and said that this was just unfounded rumors that have been dispelled as myth.
    It seems like he is towing the party line and just doing as he is told.

    Keep telling the truth.
