Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sick of Work

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Today, at the office, I actually saw parts of my desk that I have not seen in forever. :).

The downside? Half way through the day, my stomach started hurting really badly and it is still hurting. went out to dinner for my Dad's bday, and I could not even eat anything, which sucked. I did order something, and bring it home, so I will eat it tomorrow for dinner if I feel better. I really think I am just overworked and my body is not reacting well today. We have not taken an entire day off in over 2 weeks. Bah.

But, we leave on Friday night for Kansas City, so I do get a little bit of time for myself to celebrate baseball opening day and Easter! :).

Stopped at the book store on Saturday after work and bought some new travel books. Kurt wanted a new one on Costa Rica, and found a Frommer's 2010. I also bought books on Indonesia and Malaysia/singapore. Trying to research our December trip for this year, which I like to book far in advance. I think the top contenders are Sumatra (Indonesia), Brazil (the Amazon), and Australia (and New Zealand). It will all depend on where I can find the kewlest trip at the best price. And who knows, other places might pop up as well. I change my mind frequently with these trips. Travel books are really dangerous, LOL.

Looking forward to the weather warming up here on Tuesday! Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome about the trips...I want to do Indo & Brazil at some point in time :)

    Hope you're feeling better soon!
