Monday, June 07, 2010


Tornadoes hit the area this weekend! Crazy. My Aunt emailed me on Saturday night, telling me that there was a tornado warning for my area, or I never would have known. We went to bed, and I woke up around 230 AM. I rarely wake during the night, so I was listening to the weather outside and it sounded REALLY bad. POURING rain, high winds, it sounded horrible. I woke Kurt up and told him that I thought we should go into the basement. We have a foldout couch down there so we can sleep if necessary. Power went out right after that, so I walked to the basement in the dark. Took the dogs, and stayed down there a short time until things calmed down, then came back upstairs. The pugs were pretty worked up, especially Oscar. He sat in bed and whimpered for like an hour, which is so unlike him. He was super stressed out. Sometimes I think dogs can sense things more than we can.

Click here to read about it in the local news.

Anyway, got up in the morning, and no power still, which is odd for our house. We rarely lose power at all, or if we do, it's for a few minutes. We went outside and saw a TON of destruction at our neighbors' houses. Fences down, hugs trees split in half, holes in roofs, trees that fell into houses destroying parts of them, branches everywhere. Our neighbor's HUGE trampoline had literally flown from their yard, which is several blocks at least from our yard, into the center of our yard. Looked it up on the news and saw that there actually were three tornadoes, one of which caused damage to one of the towers at the nuclear power plant, which is right by our house. There was really bad damage and injuries at Estral Beach, which is less than a mile from our house. Dundee, a local town, is shut down and you cannot enter without showing your ID, and an emergency was declared and is still in effect right now.

Seriously though, how many major things can happen to me within 6 months? First, the terrorist attack and now this? All I can do is laugh and be thankful that I continue to live through this stuff. Our power was out until Sunday at 630 PM, about 16 hours. A friend of mine who lives near here did not get power until 830 PM tonight. So crazy.

Other than that, weekend was pretty uneventful. Was supposed to go to rebecca's on Sunday, but we spent the day dealing with the lack of power, helping neighbors who had issues, etc., so I need to plan another outing there soon. I was exhausted from lack of sleep as well, so I needed a nap, which I did take. That nap made me SOOO awake today! Another female attorney at court today told me I looked radiant and asked what I have been doing lately. The only thing I could come up with was that nap, haha. I guess I need to sleep more. Sounds good to me....Had dinner tonight with my friend Nancy at Crave in Dearborn. Buy one meal, get one free, and half off apps! What a deal! Love it when high end places have deals. It was nice to catch up with her.

Court is crazy this week! We have 49 hearings in one week. I am going to be ready for Friday night long before then....


  1. Awesome deal at Crave!! One day...

    Glad everyone (and the house) is okay, that is crazy about Dundee!

  2. Wow, how scary about the tornadoes! Glad you & Kurt are okay.

  3. So glad you are okay! What a wild life you live!

    You need less stress!

  4. I'm glad everything at your place is ok - bummer on losing power - but that is so minor compared to the what tornadoes can do!

    49 hearings in one week. WOW. Do you just sit at the courthouse all day long? That's CRAZY busy!

  5. Mindy, that is for 4 attys, so it's not quite as bad as it sounds....but, I am there most mornings. Afternoon court is rare, so I spend that time in the office mostly. :).

  6. Wow, we keep having funnel cloud warnings here in the Seattle area too... glad to hear you and your home are okay!
