Sunday, June 27, 2010


Busy week!

We went to another judge fundraiser for our friend, Gene Ferguson, who is running for 33rd District Court (a court I rarely even go to). It was a fun night, we sat at a table with a bunch of friends of ours, and just talked and had a great time. Dinner was awesome too. I really hope he wins, Gene is a really genuine guy who is very even tempered and would do a great job.

Had a budget and board meeting on Monday night. Nothing board related now until mid-July. Summer we get a slight break from meetings since school is not in session.

Had dinner on Saturday night with Cassie and Ken at J. Alexander's in Livonia. The food was awesome, Kurt and I both had fish tacos and a spinach dip app. Got dessert, key lime pie, ate like 2 bites and had to bring the rest home. I dont know why I ever try to get dessert, i can never eat it. It was great to see them and catch up. We may all go together to Chicago later this year to see the Lions play, which would be super kewl. Got my hair done Saturday afternoon and am continuing to grow it out. I had her trim it and cut some more layers in, got the same color done since I am really liking it lately and dont want to mess with it. Bought a new shampoo (Pureology) and bought a refill of my fav conditioner, Aquage. Kurt and I ran some errands as well, we needed bird seed and stuff for the yard, and bought some kewl containers for the back porch to hold the bird seed and fish/turtle food. We have had some raccoons visiting and getting into stuff and I wanted it in containers.

Today was awesome. I really needed a *nothing* day. We just chilled all day on the couches. Walked the dogs several times, did laundry, made dinner, worked out, watched a movie "When In Rome". Movie was kinda lame, really, but an easy watch.

Happy 32nd Birthday, Rebecca!!!!! :). Can't wait until you get your new camera. Maybe you can get it by using all survey gift certificates, hehe.

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