Sunday, July 18, 2010

Family Reunion

July 10, Kurt and I headed to Gladwin, MI, for a family reunion that my Mom put together with other family members. She was hoping everyone could be there, but there were some missing people. We had a really good time though. Tons of yard games, good food, saw some family members I have not seen in forever! Click here to see pics.

After the reunion and on the way home, we stopped in Pinconning and had dinner with Kurt's Mom, who we have not seen in forever either! It's been so long, she gave us our Christmas gifts. Crazy. Kurt fixed some faucets in her house, and we were on our way home to Pinconning. It was a long day, but a really good time and nice to see everyone

Random post, but I wanted to post about this before I forgot since I am so behind in posting! :).

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