Thursday, October 07, 2010


Another crazy busy week, shocker there, hun? :).

Some highlights of the week though......

Saw West Side Story (for the second time) at the Fisher with my Aunt. It was awesome. Love that show and the music. I have been walking around all day singing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty...." and "tonight, tonight...." Fabulous show.

Went to a meeting last night with Holly for the Downriver Bar Association and had a great time! It's mostly socializing with speakers thown in there. I normally hate stuff like this, but this is all local lawyers and actually was a good time! They let me sub Holly in for Stacey (who I had signed up initially), so I was happy they did not make me pay again. I think Holly had fun too, and it's good for her to start meeting local lawyers outside of the courtroom, and everyone loves her.

Been doing great still with the eating and The Daily Plate, so much so it's like second nature now, which is totally what I was striving for. It is also getting me to cook recipes more, which is awesome. I made these awesome bean mix for burritos that I have eaten for three nights straight for dinner. Super yummy. Also, weighed in with Week Three of using the program on Sunday, and I have lost 13 pounds to date, which rocks since I have not had a ton of time to work out.

Lots of changes happening at the office lately, but I will post more about that once decisions are made and set in stone. Our Monroe office opened on Friday, and i already have an appointment booked there for Monday, which rocks!

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