Sunday, January 09, 2011

Short Update

Life has been pretty hectic, lots going on, work is busy, social life has a lot going on, kurt working on starting his radio show, me getting rready for a long weekend in Florida with my Mom......

Anyway, had a nice dinner tonight in Canton at my Aunt's house for a late holiday dinner with the family. My Aunt made my favorite salmon patties from Holiday Market, and I basically ate way more calories than I generally do in a day, but I allow myself some cheating on holidays. :). We also exchanged holiday gifts and I think everyone loved what I got them, so yay! Yesterday, I had to shop for the holiday (I never buy gifts until like the day before), and I stopped at Macy's while out because I desperately need clothes that fit me. I have like ONE pair of dress pants for work that fit right for suits, and like one suit that fits me right. So, I looked thru the clearance racks at Macy's and found three cute suits (one a Tahari, I love that brand), another skirt, and a pair of dress pants. Also, bought a pair of jeans since I have zero that fit me. And I needed something to wear this coming up weekend in Florida. LOVE the jeans I bought, they fit perfectly. Great brand that I have never tried on at Macy's before, but really like.

Bought Kurt a book at Border's while I was there buying grama a new dictionary. it is so funny for me to sit and watch Kurt read a book because most of his reading is online or in law books, LOL. He is totally loving this one though. I may read it when he is done, just because he is making it seem to interesting! :).

While working out, have been watching this show called Conviction on Netflix and just read it was not renewed for a second season! boo! Sad that I am watching it 4 years after it actually aired, LOL.

Lots of car issues going on. After it finally totally broke down, we donated my poor little Saturn to Purple Heart this week. RIP little Saturn, it was nice having you for 165,000 plus miles and 10 years, 2 months. Fabulous car with almost no issues. Also, took the jeep in to be fixed (needed a new battery as well as an entirely new heating system). Back and running great. Saab is also in the shop, from my incident prior to leaving for vacay that I dont think I posted about. I was driving down the highway and a tire literally flew off the car in front of me. I could not swerve as cars were on both sides of me, so the tire hit the front of my car, causing the bumper to partially fall off. I drove the car home, then realized I could not drive it anymore until it was fixed. Took it in, and the damage is enough for insurance to be called. So, i called, and the insurance person is going out to the shop on Monday to look at it and write a check. Boo.

My working out and weight loss is still going fabulously. Over vacay, I gained 0.2 of a pound. So, while I was bummed I did not continue losing, I was thrilled I did not really gain either. The following weeks, I continued to lose and I am now up to 36.4 pounds, whoot. I am so happy to be almost to my pre-law school self and to enjoy the ways clothes fall on me again.

There are so many things that need to be done around the house and office, and like zero extra time in my days. My laundry is really backed up (although I did get several loads done this weekend), the pantry light fixture has an issue so until Kurt has time to fix it, i have no light in my pantry, my master bath toilet has a broken part, so again, until Kurt can buy the part, I cannot use that toilet. Need to clean before my Mom comes later this week, need to pack for my long weekend in Tampa. I would like to start researching for flights for our Feb Costa Rica trip, but we need to decide when we are going. Kurt needs to get everything ready for his radio show, which starts later this week. Much more as well, just can't recall everything.....

Anyway, wanted to post a quick update, since I know this week is going to be super busy. I am still working on Thailand pics and a report, and will do that when i have time.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.


  1. Congrats on the workout/weightloss feats! :)

  2. Great job on the weight loss!

    Tahari is one of my favorites too!!!!
