Thursday, March 10, 2011

Long Time

So, a friend wrote me and told me I needed to update on here......My posts are really rare these days, ones with any kind of substance anyway.

I have been crazy busy with life in general, mostly in relation to WORK life. Tax season gets crazy at the firm. We are working this weekend, yet again, so hopefully, I can clear some stuff off my desk.

My Grama went into the hospital last Saturday night as well, so I spent part of Sunday at the hospital. They don't really know what is wrong with her, first they were thinking pneumonia (which was ruled out, I think), then a hernia, then some kind of issues with her sugar levels (she is diabetic). Hospitals drive me bonkers though, it seems like they never really know what is going on which drives me insane. Anyway, as of yesterday, she was still in there being "figured out", so if she is still there, I will go visit again this weekend in between working. After visiting her, I stopped at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, since I was right near there in Ann Arbor. I had never been to Whole Foods before, and OMG, total Lori store. Kinda pricey though, and coming from someone who never really pays attention to the price of food, this is saying something. It was fun to wander around the store though, and I picked up a few things. One thing I am loving is the mahi burgers I bought. Super good. I eat salmon burgers all the time, but had never seen mahi burgers in a store. I also bought feta spinach sole, and that was super yummy as well. I am liking everything I bought there so far. Oh, a refried black beans thing in a can--super good. Great store. I will be going back for sure when I am in the area of one of their stores.

Went out to eat with friends last Saturday night and had rock lobster tails, which were awesome. I have not had lobster in forever, and it was super good. Had middle eastern food last night with my friend, nancy, and that was awesome as well. Oh how I heart lentil soup............Had dinner with Rebecca last Friday at an awesome hole in the wall mexican place called Angelina's. Awesome food, and chips and salsa were great. I got really sick afterwards though, I think the dairy from the ice cream killed me. Boo. My body is weird lately with all the healthy eating, certain things just affect me. Super nice to see Rebecca though, and she got all dressed up for me! OK, not really, she was going to a party afterwards.....haha. Had lunch the next day with my friends Holly and Angela and ended up not eating because I was still feeling weird from the night before. Was nice to see them and catch up though. :).

Oh, we booked my bday trip! :). I wanted to go someplace super relaxing. That was my one requirement, I wanted a beach I could walk down, relax on, as well as other things to do, and something I could get a good deal on, with not a super long flight. I ended up booking Puerto Rico. Cannot wait. I for sure want to explore and take pics in San Juan, go to the beach, hike in the jungle.........Try some Puerto Rican cuisine. We are staying at this resort called El Conquistador Resort in an ocean view upgraded room. I booked through American Airlines vacations, using air miles, and we paid under $1000 for our airfare AND upgraded room for 5 nights. Score! So weird to be going someplace I don't need my passport for! Cannot wait. Wish it was like tomorrow........Need to get on booking our San Diego flights too for April.

Megan, one of my assistants at work, got engaged! We were all super happy for her. Her ring is gorgeous and she was totally surprised by the proposal. Yay for Megan!
I'm now down 46.8 pounds. It's so awesome having Kurt down there working out with me. He's lost about 10 pounds since he started as well, but he only wants to lose about 12 more. His blood pressure is way down since he started as well, which is AMAZING and why he lost the weight in the first place. I started looking into some classes to take, I would love to incorporate something else into my workouts, but soooo many places have most of their stuff during the day. Seriously, how many people have all this time during the workday to go work out? I am going to call the old studio I worked out at and see if they are still there, I would love to get back into combat kickboxing.

A great new snack I discovered last time at the grocery store: Quaker Caramel Corn Rice Cakes. I did not even think I liked rice cakes, but these are super good. Highly recommend. :).

Anyway, I am exhausted and am thrilled tomorrow is Friday and the end of the workweek. Yay. Off to bed, and I will try to post more often.


  1. Yay for your awesome weight loss & yay for Kurt getting down there & joining you, and for his weight loss, as well!

    Let me know when you book your SD flights so I can check our calendar and make sure that we can get at least a few hours in to see each other :) Yayyy!

  2. Thanks Sarah! And Ummmm, yea, we better at least have dinner or lunch or SOMETHING while I am there! :). Ill keep ya posted.

  3. I totally love classes at the gym (as you already know). A lot of places have early morning 6 am classes... or early evening 5 to 8 classes that you could do right after finishing up at the office. I love the motivation that workout out with others gives me. I work even harder than I do on my own on the machines. Zumba, Body Attack, Body Pump... all of those classes are fantastic!

    Great work on your weight loss so far! It's inspiring!

  4. The resort looks lovely, you'll have a great time!

  5. I'm hooked on Quakes...caramel corn and cheddar cheese are my favorites. They alternately satisfy the sweet and salty cravings I get!

  6. Wow, congratulations on your weight loss, that's amazing!

    That resort looks awesome.
