Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Where To Start......

This not blogging for long periods has got to stop! I never remember what I wanted to post about as so much time has elapsed since my last post.

Wanted to take a second to rave about New Balance customer service. I always buy Asics, or at least have for like a really long time. I posted a few months back that I bought New Balance last time, as I liked the way they fit? What do I not like? How, after less than 2 months of wear, the tongue RIPPED out of one of the shoes. So, I decided to write customer service to complain, before heading to the store to buy some more Asics and swearing off NB forever. Anyway, I wrote my letter, and within 24 hours, they had written me back, telling me to send the shoes in for them to look at and probably replace. So I did, and then got an email that they are sending me a brand new pair! How awesome! So, I did not buy new Asics, I pulled out an old pair and am wearing those until my New Balance arrive in the mail. Whoot! Go New Balance customer service!

Had late Easter dinner at Auntie's this weekend with the Dziegeleski side of the family, i.e Grama, aunt marlene, carl, Aunt Karen, Dad, Kurt and I. Auntie made lasagna (both meat and meatless), as well as salad and some other veggies and apps. Super yummy. We also played a game (I am blanking on the name)......Oh wait, it was called "Word on the Street". Anyway, it was super fun and the girls won! (we played girls vs boys).

I ordered a new purse with a gift card and coupon and sale on Piperlime.com, and it arrived as is just as cute in person as it is on the site. Yay. Also got a new pair of shoes in the mail today I have been waiting on from ideel.com, and they fit perfect and are exactly what I have been looking for. I have been wanting cobalt blue heels badly to go with several work outfits I have and these are perfect.

I decided, on Friday, to start running outside instead of on the treadmill. I have a program on my iPhone that tracks running outdoors via GPS, and I have Pandora on my phone for music. So, Friday after work, I ran 5 miles! I was super proud of myself, as when I run on the treadmill, I usually only go like 2-4 miles before I get tired or bored and switch to a new workout. Outside is kewl though because there is more to see, and the music really keeps me moving. So, Saturday through today, I have run at least 5 miles on each day! It's crazy to me! And, when I weighed in on Sunday, I had lost another 3.8 pounds, which rocks! Brings my total to 62.4 pounds lost. Yay.

Last weekend, Kurty and I went to Birch Run to replenish his wardrobe. He is up to 29 pounds lost and none of his pants are fitting. He was wearing 36 or 38 waist pants and he is now down to 33 or 34, depending on the brand. So, we got him new jeans, new suits, some new shirts, dress pants, etc. I bought a few things, but nothing major. I fell in love with a suit coat at Banana Republic, but even the outlet price with coupon would have been $96 and that's more than I usually spend on an entire suit, so I will wait until it is marked down more before purchasing. I did get a new suit at Ann Taylor, new skirt there, new shirt......Also, Birch Run now has an Ann Taylor Loft outlet, so I got a skirt there, some capri pants for summer, and a couple shirts........I got some jeans at Calvin Klein, jeans and a jean skirt at Tommy Hilfiger........Great deals at Birch Run. Birch Run also just opened a Lacoste, for those Michagander friends of mine that shop there.

Anyway, I really need to post about our awesome San Diego trip, but I want to take a bath before bed as my muscles are sore and I am zonked. So, I will save that for another post. Hope everyone is doing well!


  1. I was going to email you and ask what your loss is at now after seeing your recent FB photos. You guy both look fantastic! I am so happy to hear that you have found a great workout and regimen that is working for you. Nice work! It feels so great to find a great fitness fit and be rewarding too!
    And how do you find all these deals? I need new clothes but I despise shopping unless done online! You must have some incredible patience for it!

  2. Rach, I am a deal pro, LOL. Before I shop, I always print out coupons for the stores (online or from emails). I also, before shopping the regular price racks, make myself go through clearance racks in the stores and I know where they all are, LOL. I try to only outlet shop, but since the nearest outlet mall if not very close to my house, we usually go there once in a great while or outlet shop on vacay. :). I am also a member of all those luxury discount sites and get great deals on those as well.
