Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Racquetball, Kate and land

So, just to update, I think we have decided against putting a bid in on the property. What's weird is, on paper, the place sounds perfect for us, and really, in person it was as well. But something is telling me not to put a bid in on it, like I have this feeling it's not the perfect fit. Kurt feels the same way, so we are holding off for now. I know we will just know when we find the perfect land/house, and I just do not think this is it. I think we are looking a little bit too early too, since we are still a couple years away from moving. I really don't want to buy and let something sit.

My amazing Kate Spade dress came in the mail! :). I can't believe the deal I got on it and I love it. REALLY high quality and well made, and super cute on. It's so detailed too, I don't even have to wear a necklace or any jewelry with it (besides my wedding ring). Wore it today to the office with my purple and white heels. Love. Yay Neiman Marcus clearance sales.

Had a KFASS dinner tonight, and it was nice to see the girls. I love having this group of girls who I can gossip with, who are in the same career as I am and just understand my job issues, etc.

I have had a bad headache for two days, which is super annoying. I think it's sinus related, the weather here had just been odd, with temps going up and down daily. Today, at one point, it was 53 degrees out! And this is weird since a couple days ago, it was in the 20s. My body hates drastic weather changes like that. I love the 53 degrees in December in Michigan, but my body is not doing well with that. I was proud of myself though, as even with a borderline migraine, I still biked over 11 miles on both days (which is about the only workout I can do with a bad headache).

So, we taught ourselves how to play racquetball this weekend and had a blast! We are just kinda learning at this point, but it seems like a great workout and is a lot of fun. I think we will be playing a lot now, at least on weekends. Here is me in my fancy goggles and racquet! Whoot.

Anyway, got to get to bed. Hope everyone is having a fab week!


  1. Sorry about the property but sometimes it's best to listen to your intuition!

  2. You can never go wrong when you listen to your gut. You'll find the right fit!

    LOVE the dress!!!

  3. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Saw news that Theophilus Maranga has filed lawsuit against airline. concerning your flight....(underwear bomber) CBS reported today 12-22-11. just FYI ....

  4. Glad that you guys are enjoying racquetball. Great that you are wearing eye protection.
