Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Back in the Game

**Pic above is Angie, Kory and I at her bday party last weekend!  :)  Super fun times.

Welcome back me!  :)

Last post was March of this year, when Kurt decided to run for Congress.

As we all know, that did not end up in a win.  However, since Kurt was not the incumbent and we are in a District that leans Republican, we knew going in it would be an uphill battle.  It was a huge learning experience, and I am happy he went for it.  My husband is one of the most courageous people I know, and I admire how he decided to simply go for something full force like he did.  No political background, and he ends up on a ballot for US Congress.  So impressive.  I will post more on our journey the past few months in the next entries........

Overall, the outcome of this election was disappointing for me.  Basically, the make-up of Congress and the Senate remained virtually unchanged.  And with the same President in office, with the same Congress and same Senate, my guess is, the next 4 years will be more of the same with the parties constantly fighting with one another and not much of anything getting accomplished at all, which is sad.  The people who are willing to ignore party lines and work together are not generally the people that get into office. Until that happens, nothing will change, and I think I am resigned to that fact, for now.  Judge Connie Kelley, a Judge I practice in front of on a regular basis, lost her run for Supreme Court, which was sad for me as well.  She worked her ass off, travelling the entire state while working full time, and I was sad to see her lose.  I was also sad for my teacher and union worker friends that Proposal 2 did not pass (had to do with collective bargaining and the state constitution).  I was thrilled to hear about the states that passed initiatives on gay marriage and marijuana though, and happy to see some of the states moving forwards towards equality for all.

Tonight, after I work out and make dinner, I am going to research where we are going on vacay this month.  We have traveled almost zero since March, and I am psyched to do nothing for a few days.  We normally go to Vegas over Thanksgiving, but not sure if I want to go there or not.  I may want to lie on a beach for a few days.......

Anyway, glad to be back and posting.  I missed it, but during the election, I did not want a bunch of randoms finding me by putting Kurt's name into google and ending up here.........

Happy November!


  1. Welcome back! Kurt had an impressive run. Hopefully it wont be his last!

  2. I'm so glad you're back to blogging! I look forward to checking back frequently for updates!
