Sunday, January 27, 2013

Nothing New

I don't really have anything uber important to say, so this post will just be a bunch of random crap. Sound good?  OK.

I rented another Jillian Michael's video from Netflix.  I ordered this one as I thought it would be a great arm workout instead of cardio like the one I posted about in my last post.  This one is called Shred It with Weights.  This video consists of two segments, one is considered level one and one is level two.  I did level one once with Kurt.  The next night, I did level two.  Oh this video is used with a kettle bell (or handweight if you dont have a kettle bell). I bought a Kettle Bell recently, so I used that and kurt used a weight.  Anyway, weirdly, this video really killed my legs, mostly my quads.  Which was perplexing as while doing the workout, my arms hurt.  It also worked abs really well.  Overall, I really like the video.  Not as much as the first one I posted about, but it is def a great workout.

So, the weather here has been so freaking cold.  It really seems like the coldest winter we have had in many years.  Not fun.  to prove how cold it has been, I did not wear a skirt or dress all last week and only wore pants suits, which is insanity for me!  That is how cold it was, I needed all the extra heat I could get.

I recently got a $20 gift card from Opentable, and we decided to use it this weekend.  Last night, we went to Real Seafood Company in Toledo, and then headed to the new casino in Toledo, Hollywood Casino, to check it out.  Dinner was awesome, service was perfect.  I had clam chowder as an app, and crab cakes with rice as my meal.  Kurt had clam chowder, then a salmon ceasar salad.  The casino was OK.  It was very nice, and it was fun to walk around, but the table games had really high minimum bets, which made me not want to play.  I think the lowest we saw on Blackjack was $20 per hand, which is insane.  We can play in Vegas for like $3.  We did play some slots and checked the whole place out.

I had two Groupons for a new Better Health that opened in Southgate, so I made Kurt go with me to use them this weekend.  There used to be one in Taylor that closed and this new one is WAY better!  They have an entire grocery store, as well as the nutritional supplement section.  Kurt got some protein shots, and I got some salmon burgers and an energy drink.

I ordered two new bathing suits on ASOS (a new site I have been using that has great discount prices), and love them both, which is crazy since I am so picky about bathing suits.  Here are the two I got:

I went to Kohl's a last weekend and got some amazing deals.  I only spent $12 after coupons, etc., and got a ton of stuff for that!  I got this shirt, which is so super cute for under suits:

 As well as this necklace, which I have already worn twice

and this ring, which matches everything!

have not worn these shoes yet, but found them on a clearance rack and love them, so different!

 and I got these off the clearance shelf too, except mine are red.

Oh, how I love the clearance racks and coupons at Kohl's!  I also had some cash on gift cards from some gifts I had returned, and some gift cards from points I turned in with one of my credit cards.  Yay for deals.

Kurt has been wearing glasses all weekend (me too) in prep for an eye doctor appointment we have on Monday.  We are both hoping to get LASIK on our eyes, and in order to do the appointment, you have to not wear your contacts for a few days.  Fingers crossed we both qualify.  I wish insurance covered stuff like this.

I have been researching some trip possibilities for this year.  Pros and cons to everything.  I was looking at Alaskan cruises.  We both hate the cruise thing, but for certain trips, it is the way to see everything (like our Galapagos trip).  I am also looking at more African safaris.  Who knows what we will actually end up doing, probably something entirely different, LOL.

Anyway, that's about all that's new and exciting.  Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

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