Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Big Morning

So, tomorrow morning is the big day!  I am having laser eye surgery at Rahmani Eye Institute in Brownstown.  Kurt is having it next week!  It will be so super exciting to stop buying contact solution, contacts and glasses!  I am super duper nervous, but excited at the same time.  I have to stay home all day tomorrow, and have a re-check on Friday morning, and then I should be good to go.  I cannot work out for 48 hours, and cannot wear make-up (GASP) for a week.  I will post about the procedure after I can use a computer again.  I am hoping the surgery exhausts me so the 24 hours afterwards I am supposed to rest are not LONG and annoying.

MI weather this week has truly sucked.  Yesterday, there was an ice/sleet storm on the way home, and today it snowed the entire way home.  I cannot wait for this crap to be over.  Of course, I got two summer dresses in the mail today that I would love to wear.  HA!  I think they will mostly be worn once we move to Costa Rica.

Went to Judge Snow's judicial investiture yesterday with Kurt.  I have never been to one before.  It was long, but a very nice ceremony.  I don't know much about her, but she seems to genuinely want the job and like family law, so I am happy about that and getting to practice in front of her.

**pic below of me and my cousin, Carolyn, at a wedding shower this past weekend.

Not much else going on.  Hoping I feel somewhat better by the weekend, as I have a bday party to attend on Saturday night and another party on Sunday afternoon.  Hope everyone is having a nice week!

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