Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 7--First Week in CR Done!

So, my first week has been busy getting things done around the house, but awesome. I really wonder at this point why I allowed myself to suffer through so many Michigan winters.  Even Florida, California, Hawaii could have been US options that were not as hellacious as Michigan winters............Anyway, to say the least, the weather is absolutely perfect here.  I have really enjoyed wearing sundresses, sunglasses, and flip flops, as well as bathing suits sitting by my pool. 
Yesterday, I decided to saunter into town myself.  This was the first time I have driven the car since I have been to Costa Rica to live.  I made it just fine.  I had planned on getting a massage, but Sundays in Jaco are still kinda busy and the place I liked was booked (Nazareth), so I instead decided to walk through Jaco and look for some things I needed for the house.  I ended up finding just that. I needed a holder for my spatula, spoons and other larger utensils and found that at a store that sold all mango wood products.  Also found there were two holders for Q-tips and cotton balls in my bathroom.  In another store, I found the perfect covered bowl for my makeup and in another store, a trivet for the kitchen near the stove and a long decorative piece to hold my daily toiletries on.  I like things to be organized and in their place and am slowly getting there.  Stopped at the grocery store in town and got a few things and then headed home. 
Got home and made Kurt lunch (I think he is liking all the meals being made for him and fresh costa Rican food).  I almost have no interest in eating out just because there is so much awesome food here you can make yourself.  Last night, I made fish, but also made grilled radishes, fresh from the farm.  Kurt said they were good and didn't really taste like radishes.  I read they were a good sub for potatoes, so maybe I will have to try them.  Made myself fresh green beans and those were awesome too.  Everything here is so amazing.  Every morning I have been making Kurt breakfast (which we never ate in the States) which generally includes eggs, fruit salad (which I create by cutting up the fresh fruit) and beans or something else.  Today, I made red skinned potatoes grilled. 
Some things are harder to find here.  I had the hardest time finding measuring spoons.  Tons of cups, but no spoons.  Also, had a hard time finding mustard until last night trying a newer grocery store. Still looking for crushed pepper (I could only find it in a tiny baggie type thing at the store and I need a container.  We use it a lot.  Also, our washer is HE, and I could not find the right detergent at first, but finally did.
Trash is weird here too.  Most people burn the paper products in their yard.  The rest, at least in my neighborhood, is bagged, and put in these bins on the side of the road.  But, they are open air bins of the ground.  You would think animals and bugs would get in them, but for some reason, they don't.  So odd.  So, when we have a bag, we simply take it there in the car on our way into town. 
I also have to get used to the new holidays.  In the States today, it's Memorial Day, but obviously, it's not Memorial Day here.  I need to get a calendar so I know the holidays here!  :).
We found someone to service our pool (meaning, comes once a week to put the correct chemicals in and clean it).  Eventually we may do that ourselves, but since neither one of us has ever owned a pool, we want it done right until we can figure it out.  The net is here so I have been cleaning it out once a day as well to keep leaves and bugs out.  Midas likes to help me do that. And then he takes a nap, because it is hard work!  My sweetie.  Love him.
Here is me with a machete. I am supposed to look terrified.  I think I am more just excited to hold a machete.  LOL. Everyone uses them here for yard work.  The guys are pretty incredible with how well they use them to do stuff. They get stuff done more quickly then guys in the US who use power tools.
The guys for the Internet are finally here.  I have serious doubts it will be hooked up though, LOL.  But fingers crossed!  Kurt has not had the best luck with them yet.  They start, leave, don't come back, say they will be back, aren't.  But, they seem to be doing something.  I will keep ya posted.







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