Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Back in the USA

So, I am back! In the USA! Most would be glad about this, but I am not.....I loved Costa Rica. Everything about it, for the most part. The weather was great, everything we did was incredible.........Cannot even put my love for this vacation into words.

I think I am too tired to totally write about my adventure in a post tonight, and in fact, I may need to post each day in separate posts, but I will try. I also need to post pictures, but am too tired to download those as well.

We got home last night at midnight, and stayed up a little while opening mail, picking up the house, paying attention to the pugs and Bugsy. Then, we let the pugs sleep with us and since they had been sleeping all day waiting for us, they basically kept us up all night, but we felt too guilty to make them sleep alone after we left them for so long.....

Worked today and mistakenly thought we would be dead....Ummm, no. I guess Christmas causes more divorce and bankruptcy than I realized.

So, I am glad to be home, yet sad to have left at the same time. Welcome me back! :).


  1. Welcome Home, Lori!

  2. Yay!! She's home! I was in Minnesota visiting mi familia (oooh...check out that Espanol!) when you sent the text that you were in D-Town and almost home. I was like, "Who is texting me so late at night?" Duh. It wouldn't have been "late" if I were in San Diego. Haha...

    Can't wait to read about the trip!
