Thursday, December 21, 2006


OK, everyone......

Our computers are not working here. Thus, I have not been able to post (obviously). We stopped in an Internet cafe today so I could check my email and check on things at the house, etc.....

Anyway, we decided to pick up and drive to the other side of the country for the rest of the trip. First half of trip, mountains....second half, beach. Anyway, we are now staying in Tamarindo, which is a beach town on the Western Coast and really nice.....We may stay the last day of the trip in San Jose, but have not decided yet....

I have been practicing Spanish and I think my New Years Resolution is going to be to learn Spanish. I don't make resolutions, but hell, I will do it for this! :). I am either going to buy tapes or take a class....

Anyway, I promise a really long post with LOTS of pictures when I return......


  1. I hope you took lots of pictures of sloths, those are Lauren's fave

  2. I can't WAIT to see your pictures!

  3. Have so much fun, Lori! Happy Holidays to you and Kurt!

  4. hurry up and get off work so you can blog :)
