Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Idiots Strike Again

I don't know if anyone remembers this event from last year, but it's just deja vu in my backyard...

I was standing in the living room watching a bowl game with Kurt, near the back french glass doors. We heard this *bang* and got confused as to what the sound was. We looked in the back yard, and noticed, in the woods near my house, two men wearing orange hunting hats, camo jackets, and guns. I (stupidly I know) went outside and started yelling "hello" and "excuse me" at the men in the woods, but instead of responding to me, they simply walked in the other direction. Nice. They will hunt my property, but won't confront me....They will confront and shoot a harmless animal, but can't talk to a blonde half their size who owns the property they hunt upon.....

Anyway, because they ignored me, I called 911. We saw what house they were walking towards. The police showed up pretty quickly, and took a statement from us and walked in the yard so we could show where we saw the hunters. They were heading to the house next to try and talk to them, but who knows what will come of it. Michigan is simply a hunting state, and most people think Kurt and I are overreacting when we get mad about stuff like this even though it's MY property. I'm sorry, but just because my house is on 36 acres and has animals on it will never give you the right to hunt on it. And, I will call the police every...single....time. Idiots.

1 comment:

  1. We also live in a hunting state, and I don't know anything about hunting, but I can say that hunting on private property is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!! Why would someone do that? I'm glad you called the police. People are stupid.
