Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where is the Money?

I was very happy to hear about one of Kurt's court hearings today. Remember my story from a while back about the lawyer that treated me like complete crap at a Mediation? Well, we filed a Motion for Atty Fees and Related Issues regarding his wasting my time at Mediation, and Kurt appeared at it. Some classic *lines* resulted from this. We won on the attorney fees, got a lot of her back child support paid, and the ultimate result of this hearing (trying to force the other atty to begin acting reasonable and resolve this case) worked. Here are the classic lines:

Judge: "Well, maybe if you paid your child support, Mr. "x", your wife could AFFORD a rake..." (said right after my client asked for her rake and hoe back and the Defendant had the balls to tell the Judge no). This Judge is always super calm and Kurt said she was very angry at them.

Kurt went to his next court hearing and an atty friend of him says: "Kurt, I tried to find you and saw you arguing your case in front of Judge "X". I watched for a moment and you just kept saying "Where is the money? Where IS the money?" The atty turns to Kurt and says "Kurt, did you find the money?" Heh. I guess we will *see* if we found the money, as his child support is due by Wednesday in our office in a cashier's check.

So, we went and looked at the Solstice on Wednesday. Found out it is basically the same car as the Sky. So, we did not drive it. Non-automatic top as well. Plus, they only had stick shifts on the lot. Tried to go drive an Eclipse Spyder GT on Thursday, but could not find the dealer, as I think they have moved. All I saw was Hyundais where the Mitsubishis were supposed to be.

I think we need to go to Ann Arbor to shop for cars, they have a ton of dealerships there........Our area is not that stocked with cars.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuxedos in the Sky

So, we went after work today to drive the Saturn Sky. Every time I see it on the road, I really like it. We drove the Red Line version, which has the larger engine (and oddly enough, the one with the bigger engine gets better gas mileage). Anyway, really cute car. Really comfy with a lot of leg room. It drove really well too, but I am keeping my options open, especially since I don't *need* a new car right now. The one thing I did not like about it was *how* the top went down. It is not automatic like the Carerra. It's not complex, but I am kinda spoiled with the automatic option on my car now. I don't even really know why I went and looked..............I think since we have not bought anything new in like 3+ years, I just feel this need to shop for one. Who knows if I will purchase. I figure, eventually my Saturn is going to have to die (it has really high mileage), and I will need something at that point anyway. We want to drive the Solstice as well, but that will be another time. It was fun though. Kurt is so sweet, when I was trying to talk myself out of buying it, his response was "you deserve a little convertible to drive around in...." Most of the cars we buy (i.e. the Carrera, the Spyder) are for him and not really for me, so maybe he is right. He is just way more into cars than me, I don't really care......

OMG, interesting update on the chick who was all crazy the other day in court. If you recall, she was the one who told Kurt that he sucked, LOL. Anyway. Kurt was in the elevator at court and the bailiff to that Judge started talking to him about that day. I guess he had witnessed her breakdown in the hallway. Right after her breakdown, I guess she walked up to the bailiff and said "I wanted to tell her that Mr. Haskell just assaulted me (hit me)". The bailiff I guess said "I just witnessed what happened and Kurt did not touch you. You may want to take back that statement." She then was like "OH, you saw that? Sorry. Never mind." I was shocked that someone would do something like that. Women like her give other women such a bad freaking name. She must just get mad at people, and accuse them of whatever to try and get her way. Unbelievable and sick. She actually left a message on our voice mail last night, stating that she got Kurt's Motion to Withdraw, and wanted to talk to us about the "inaccuracies" and "obvious omissions" from the document. When she calls back I am going to tell you "YES, you are correct. What we forgot to put in there was the lie you told to the bailiff about Kurt assaulting you." Thus far though, she has not called back. Wow is all I can say.

My box got here from White House Black Market today! The shirts all fit well. The one I really love, although I have to get Kurt to take it off me after wearing. I have kinda broad shoulders and that is an issue with shirts sometimes. On, the shirt is fine. I just have issues getting it off. LOL. Whatever, I guess my husband won't complain about taking my shirt off sometimes. Heh. I want to wear that one tomorrow, but it is only supposed to be in the 50s again, so I will probably wear another one that is warmer. The shoes are SUPER cute too. I am thinking that they might not be very comfy, but we will see. If not, I will just wear them in the office a lot and not downtown.

Oh, forgot to talk about the tux/suit shopping, LOL. Kurt had to get fitted for his tux for Julia's wedding, and Kory went with us and bought a suit too! His first one ever. :). He looks really nice in it. Bought Kurt a really nice new pair of shoes while we were there too, and the guy there is going to look for some three piece suits for Kurt (he has been liking the vest with his suit look lately). Love that store, the customer service is phenomenal.

Off to bed.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend Update

Had a nice weekend. Friday, after work, Kurt and I met up with our friends, Tammy and Tom, at Applebee's. Had dinner, and caught up. Have not seen Tom in forever.....Anyway, really nice meal, and really nice to hang out with them.

Saturday morning, I slept in really late for me! :). Got up, and decided to take the doggies for a walk at Sterling State Park again. I am hoping this continues to be a weekend tradition. It was a nice, but kinda windy walk. The pugs really seem to like the change of scenery and going there. The football draft was on this weekend and Kurt was glued to it, so I decided to do dinner with my Aunt and Dad on Saturday night. We ate at this random place I chose near my Dad's new apartment, and went there to check out his new place afterwards. The food at this place was awesome, or at least my meal was....I had this Canadian Walleye that was pecan crusted and had a creole sauce, super yummy. Perhaps the best walleye I have ever had. Got home kinda late, and went to bed since I had plans the next day to see Rebecca's new house.....

Today, headed to Rebecca's to see her new house in Clawson. It is so nice, and really cute, and she has done a lot to it already. Her Uncle was there hooking up her stove, and Lauren was there hanging out too. We ran some errands for the house and then were waiting for her parents to come over when we got a call from her Mom that they were in a car accident. So, we headed up to the accident and picked up her Mom to take her home, then went back to pick up her Dad and Uncle from the scene. The car is not looking so hot, and her Mom was super stressed about it, I felt really badly for her.....Anyway, after that, Lauren, Rebecca and I went for sushi and I had this awesome roll called the Black Widow roll, which was soft shell crab, shrimp, avocado, cucumber and a spicy sauce. Super good. And miso soup. Stopped at Grand Traverse Pie Company on the way back, as Rebecca has been wanting to stop in there since it opened. Bought some preserves for Kurty, as well as two pieces of pie for him, and a muffin. Everything looks awesome in there. On my way home, I decided to stop at Linens and Things to look for a duvet cover (i have been wanting a second one to use on my bed when I wash my normal one). Found NOTHING, and then stopped at Nordstrom Rack since it was next door. Found nothing there either. Tried on a few dresses, but I was just not loving anything, so I left and drove home.

Ended up buying the duvet cover I have been wanting on I don't know why I did not buy it a long time ago, it is a far better deal than what I am finding in stores and exactly what I want. Can't wait til it gets here. :).

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I got the number, but missed the point--twice. LOL. Funny.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Since Rebecca asked, I am posting links of what I bought today online.......OK, I have this issue with shopping lately. Not really, but for me, I have been buying more stuff that normal. Sadly, I need it, as I rarely buy myself stuff like this since I have no time to shop. Anyway, while in Orlando, I discovered White House Black Market at the outlet mall we shopped at. Loved the style and quality of the clothing. Signed up on their website. Of course, now I keep getting coupons and offers in my email box and mailbox. Today, I got an awesome coupon on email, and there are some items I have been looking at in the sale portion on this site. Ended up buying four new things and saving lots o money. Yay. So, here is what I bought. Three shirts (one, two and three) and one pair or shoes. Hopefully, I like everything once I try it on. I have been lucky in that regard with shoes lately, so hopefully, clothing will be lucky as well.

Had a board meeting tonight, which was very calm. Yay.

No court tomorrow! WHOOT! WE had 5 hearings and they all got canceled or postponed, so we went from Kurt and I both appearing in court to both of us being in the office. I am so psyched to get lots of paperwork done.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Teenagers Have Sex (but I don't condone it)

I had to go to court again, because of a crazy schedule this morning. We had 7 hearings in two different buildings, all to happen at 830 and 900. Ha. I did one that was a change in custody Motion. It was filed by the father of the children, basically because he does not want to pay child support (a normal reason in these cases, although never an admitted reason). Anyway, they brought up all these false allegations. One of the non-false allegations was that the parties' 15 year old daughter recently had sex, in my client's home. Long story, but my client has a 17 year old son, who has friends stay over, and after everyone went to bed one night, her daughter and one of her son's friends had intercourse. She told her Mom, and her Mom has now stopped all sleepovers for her sons, and is taking all measures to stop this from happening in the future. So, on the record today, I got to say "Teenagers have SEX. While I obviously don't condone this, it is not a reason to change custody and certainly does not meet the threshold to do so..." I liked how I said teenagers have sex on the record. It amused me. LOL. Thankfully, tomorrow, I get a full day at the office and I need it....paperwork galore to do.

Go Tigers! The game tonight rocks. Right now, it's 19-6! Whoot!

Took a walk in the yard tonight with Kurt and the pugs, for the first time this Spring. It has been muddy and I hate mud. Less muddy now, so I walked out to the pond for the first time. We saw some of the turtles swimming and it's really nice and relaxing out there. We may build a gazebo so I can sit out there in a nice rocking chair.......I love all the birds, and how quiet and relaxing my yard is.

(Please don't wonder if I have lost my mind as I post this, there is a reason behind this last part of the post here, that I am not going into right now)... And you know what? I love the little things in life. I admit, some might find my life boring. I love dinners out with my husband, sitting and watching a baseball game, walks in my backyard, hiking, photography, non-luxury travel. I just had a friend kinda make me feel, for a moment, (until I realized that was MORONIC of me to feel that way), that I am boring or maybe, less worthy of a friend than her other friends. That because I don't make myself up perfectly all the time, and don't have connections at all the latest clubs, that I am less of a person. That because I would rather have a laid back dinner or go hiking, that I am boring, and that I should be put on the back burner if a great party or whatever comes up. You know what though? I don't care IF someone thinks that. It was really stupid of me to think less of myself, for even a second. I rock. And my friends know that. That's about all I want to say about it right now. Typing this just kinda talked me out of being bummed any longer.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You Suck (even though you don't)

Today was super busy for Kurt and I (like every day is not, LOL). We had 8 court hearings, 4 in one building, 4 in the next. We each covered 4. One of mine was adjourned, and the other three, I got great results. One I got the best results I possibly could have gotten (better than I ever thought would result, actually). The Dad's parenting time was suspended, and he has to pay for himself to get drug testing and for the entire fee for the parties to go to the FAME unit at FOC. Which is so out of the freaking ordinary. I was expecting maybe some supervised time, with my client paying for at least some, if not all, of the costs of the rest of the stuff. NOTHING paid by her. It was shockingly great. I always prepare everyone for the worst, so people are kinda shocked when it comes out better, LOL, and I think she was somewhat shocked. We will see if the other side appeals it though. I was pretty pumped after that win though.

Kurt's hearings went really well too, but something kinda amusing happened at his one hearing. Well, Kurt was annoyed, but the story amused everyone else in the office. Long story short, he was at a third hearing for this woman, trying to get her several things in her case, including custody of her child (who she did not have custody of). That was the major issue. Kurt got her custody and child support, and then there was this issue with a tax refund. They went in front of the Judge, and the Judge was leaning towards giving her ex more of the tax refund, since he made more money. NOT the norm (usually parties split this), but Judges can do whatever they think it fair. Our client started having a breakdown and disagreeing, so Kurt asked for a break to talk to her in the hall. She goes in the hall and tells Kurt "You suck!" His response was "I just got you custody of your kid, yet I suck?" It's hilarious to us that we get amazing results, and yet people can still want MORE. You can't win with some people. She threatened to report him to the bar, which he found amusing and said "go ahead." Anyway, went back in front of the Judge where Kurt said he wanted to withdraw from the case because his client thinks he sucks, LOL. The Judge actually lectured her, telling her Kurt did a great job for her, she should be pleased and had no reason to report Kurt to the bar for anything. By this time, she had told Kurt she was sorry, but once you diss Kurt like that, he is done with you. We do a great job, are really well known in the community and courts, you are NOT going to talk down to us. Ever. If you don't like us, hire someone else, and you will see you made a mistake. We are reasonably prices and easy to deal with. Most lawyers are not both of things combined. Funniest thing, after the hearing, her ex comes up to Kurt and says "Can I hire you in the future??" She called the office again later to say she was sorry, but Kurt is done. He is not one to change his mind on stuff like this. Someone might be able to sweet talk me into staying on a case, but not Kurt for sure.

The rest of the day was madness, and we did not get home until 7 PM. Ugh. Filled my bird feeders outside, switched laundry and dishes over, made dinner, worked out, and watched some of the Tigers game. I don't know how I get the amount done in a day that I do, seriously. I rock at multitasking, hehe.

Gotta go to bed, crazy court schedule tomorrow as well.

Let's Compare!

Took a personality test online today that I found on a message board. Was pretty accurate for me, although some things were slightly off. Here are my results.

My Personality

Openness to Experience

You are a calm person who is considered almost fearless by some, however you rarely get angry and it takes a lot to make you angry. You like crowds but sometimes feel overwhelmed by them. Sometimes you feel like you need some privacy and time for yourself. You tend not to express your emotions openly and are sometimes not even aware of your own feelings. You dislike confrontations and are perfectly willing to compromise or to deny your own needs in order to get along with others, however you are not affected strongly by human suffering, priding yourself on making objective judgments based on reason. You are more concerned with truth and impartial justice than with mercy. You take your time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives.

Take a Personality Test now or view the full Personality Report.

Click here to compare your personality results to me! Should be fun!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Day at the Park

Spent Sunday at the park with Kerry and her girls, Nora and Sara. Was so nice to see them and hang out. We fed fish and ducks and geese, played on the swings and jungle gym, and had lunch at their fav place, McDonald's. Check out the rest of my pics here.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Vote for Me, Please

Kroger Reusable Shopping Bag Design Contest - Vote for My Design

I designed a bag in a little contest thing that Kroger's is having! Please vote for me, and send me your link if you design a bag! Go Green!

**BTW, apparently, the link Kroger gave me is not working (thanks for letting me know, Katie), but you can search for me by bag number (13275) or my name. Thanks again!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Best Italian Food Ever

Had a really nice night last night. Met up with my friend, Nancy, at a spa I randomly chose in Dearborn called Body Language Spa. Place was nice, they told me on the phone that their pedis were "different" and that we would not be sitting in chairs with our feet in water, but instead lying on a table. I am always up for anything, so I made the reservation and met Nancy there. It was SOOO nice. If Nancy had not been there, I would have been asleep. So freaking relaxing, with a paraffin wrap, hot towel wraps, etc. And my toes looks super cute. Nancy and I had not seen each other in a while, so we had a ton to catch up on......Went to dinner after that at a place Nancy loves called Roman Village. Yea, I know love it too, as it was some of the best Italian food I have ever had, and THE best homemade pasta noodles I have ever had. I about died. And cheap! I had angel hair with marinara. This place was so in the middle of nowhere, I never would have found it without Nancy's assistance! Thanks again for an awesome night catching up, Nancy (if you are reading this).

Every night this week, with the exception of last night, we have worked late. Ugh. I am so tired of working. I got home early enough tonight to work out, so that was nice.

Found out my Def Leppard concert is postponed. :(. Until August. So, my friend may be able to go after all, unless she has plans that night too, don't know yet. I guess one of their singers has an infection he can't get rid of. I am glad Kory heard about it on the radio because I never would have known it was moved....I rarely listen to the radio.

Anyway, too tired to write much more......The bird pic above is a downey woodpecker, which is one of my and Kurt's fav birds that visit our feeders in the yard. I saw this cutie at Sterling State Park while walking a few weekends ago...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Temporarily Bummed

OMG, today was crazy busy. We did not get home until after 8 PM. Made myself work out, even though I was, yet again, exhausted. Made Kurt orange roughy and a twice baked potato, and myself, veggie chili, which I had been craving all day. Yum.

I was kinda bummed tonight. I had plans to go to a concert with a friend of mine on Saturday. We have had these tickets for months.....Anyway, I wrote her this morning to see if she wanted to do dinner beforehand and she wrote me back tonight telling me that she *just* found out that her Grama's 80th birthday party is that night and she has to go. I am wondering how a surprise party like that was planned at the last minute, but OK. So, she is still paying for her ticket...................So, I was just going to skip it, since I was kinda bummed. But, the seats are SO good, first row on the side of the stage, and I really wanted to go. So, I said screw it. She can pay for my guest to go with me, and I emailed Rebecca, who had wanted to go in the first place, but did not want to spend the funds on a ticket. She is going with me now, so I am sure I will have a blast. I guess I was kinda feeling the way I was because I just feel like this other friend of mine does not prioritize me at all. I wish she would have told me about the party of her Grama's BEFORE I wrote her about the concert less than a week before the concert. She has her life scheduled down to the hour, so I know she knew about both the party and the concert and was probably avoiding telling me. I would have been less bummed though if she would have just told me. Anyway, I hate being bummed, so I am over it now. Will probably go up to Rebecca's to see her new house beforehand and hang out, and then we will head down! Have to figure out where we want to eat, etc. Yay. Def Leppard, here we come! Hopefully we can take some pics while there and post. I should dress all 1980s! hehe.

The Tigers won an awesome game tonight! I think it is the turnaround for their season. It was incredible. Loved watching the game tonight.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Life is Chaos

OK, I feel like I have a lost a little bit of control over my life. I am so freaking busy. All the time. Which is why I have not posted here in almost a week. I keep wanting to post, but am either too tired or too busy doing something else in order to do so.

OK, well, let's start with some good stuff before I continue to bitch....

Last night, I had a fantastic night out. Kurt and I met up with my friend, Cassie, from law school, and her boyfriend, Ken. They are both attys as well. Cassie graduated with me, and Ken started practicing law in 2002. Kurt had never met either one of them, and I had only met Ken in passing. Cassie and I have this bond that is not easily explained, unless you have gone through taking the bar exam. We took both bar review courses together, as well as the bar exam.....Some of the most trying times of your life, and nobody truly understands what it's like unless they have been through it as well. Anyway. They have their own practice, just like Kurt and I, but practice in some different areas, like civil and criminal, as well as family and bankruptcy like us. We ate at Crave, my all time favorite place. Yum. Dinner was at 7, and we all talked nonstop the entire night. Also, I looked totally fab, if I do say so myself. Totally non-Lori like, ahaha. Wore my new black dress from White House Black Market (WHBM), which is totally trendy and shorter than normal for me. Broke out the knee high boots, threw my cute new necklace from WHBM on too, large fake diamond earrings (like I would pay for real ones that large, LOL), and a cute black bracelet. Curled my hair. I totally should have taken pictures, but I did not. Forgot my camera. Whoopsie. I rarely wear a dress, so I should not have forgotten pics.......

Today, we were supposed to work. Kurt had a headache though, and we did not. I was also supposed to visit with my friend, Kerry, in Ann Arbor, but we postponed to next weekend because of the weather. We were planning on doing something outdoors like with her girls, but the weather was horrible here today. It snowed earlier in the day. Yes, snowed. Thank God nothing stuck to the ground and by the end of the day, it was in the 40s again and sunny, with a gorgeous clear sky. Since Kurt was kinda sick, I headed to Canton to go to Sams Club and Trader Joe's with my Aunt. We also stopped at Kohl's, Dumham's, Bed Bath and Beyond....had dinner at Andiamo's for my Dad's birthday, which was super yummy. Got my Dad two pairs of baseball pants and a Tigers shirt for his bday, which he liked. He is on a baseball team this summer and needed those to play.

Had a nice dinner out Friday night with my friends Tammy and Melanie. We went to Famous Dave's, which i had never been to before. My food was good, but the menu was really limited for a non-meat eater. I had a grilled salmon. We had coupons for free desserts, but yea, the three of us did not even eat one of the desserts. The desserts were huge. After dinner, Mel and I headed to Home Goods to walk around and buy nothing. :). She even had a gift card and could not find anything. I am so proud of Mel. She is going through a divorce right now, and her husband is such an ass. Dating a freaking 22 year old, not spending much time with his kids at all, not contributing financially to the kids or her.....She is being so strong through all of this. She finally hired a good lawyer I referred her to (I don't do divorces for my friends), so things should start to progress nicely now. He has no atty. She has three little boys, and it must be so hard to work and take care of them and a house herself. :(. She is really enjoying having a social life again though, and even though the situation sucks, I really think she seems HAPPIER now, which is awesome. Go Mel!

Anyway, lots of interesting stories from work this week, but I am getting kinda tired and have to get up early. I will write more later...........

Monday, April 07, 2008

No Working Weekend

Should I have worked some this weekend? Probably. Did I? No. Did that rock? Totally.

I think I needed this weekend off. I have spent almost every weekend this year working at least part of it, and I hate that. I need weekends.

This one was super fun. Saturday morning, I met Lea and Rebecca for breakfast in Dearborn at a little coney island. It was fun and nice to see them both. Lea moved to Ohio earlier this year, so nobody in MI has seen her in a little while, and I had not seen Rebecca in a while (at least for us) either. It was a quick breakfast, but nice. I then had about a half hour to burn before my lunch, so I stopped at the mall in Taylor. I ended up in Macy's, browsing. And to continue with my shoe obsession of late, purchased this adorable pair of heels which are both comfy and super cute. I got them in brown. I also got them for less than half retail, so that rocked too, as I never would pay full price for them.....Met Hollie for lunch next and we had a great time, as usual, gossiping about life. Fun, fun. Came home after that and ran some errands with Kurty. Picked up a new bird feeder at Tractor Supply, as well as some squirrel food for my one and only squirrel. I love him though. My old bird feeder fell and broke this winter......Also took my vacuum in for cleaning and repairs (it was already returned today, gotta love the warranty on my Dyson), bought two turtles and some fish for the pond............

Sunday, I decided to go hiking at Sterling State Park. Paid for my yearly parking pass and hiked about 3 miles, which was awesome. I surprisingly saw a lot of wildlife--blue heron, white heron, ducks, geese, swans, muskrat, frogs, etc. I could see a lot more as there are not leaves on the trees yet! :). I just stood forever watching all the swans. They are gorgeous creatures, I always feel so lucky to see them at the state park.

Oh, had an ortho appointment today and they yet again, changed the power chain on the bottom. They seemed really pleased with the amount my teeth have moved though, and my next appointment, they are doing something different, so I think I am nearing the end. I hope. Have to STILL wear the rubber bands (DAMN), but the woman gave me some stronger ones, so hopefully that speeds things up. I love how they will give me whatever to make things fast. I don't care if I am in pain, I just want to be done. I am still super annoyed with myself for not following instructions as a teen and keeping my retainer and wearing it, but am glad at the same time that I caught it when I did and this will be a fairly short process.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Swan

All angular beauty
and ruffled lines
curious in approach
white breasted downy apparition

Closer to your beauty
than before; allowed approach
a temple of wonder
your unique glory

Generation Gap

Why do people in their younger 20s think it's "normal" or "hot" for girls they are dating, or girls in general, to make out with each other? I mean, to each their own, I don't care at all what other people do. But, I just kinda find it odd that their generation just thinks it is "normal". I am not that much older than that generation, and I have never had the desire to just start making out with all my closest friends.

Here is a conversation Kory and I had today when talking about a girl who he is dating making out with one of her friends......

Kory: I don't care if she does that.
Me: Well, I don't care either, but don't you think it's kinda odd?
Kory: Not really.
Me: Why not?
Kory: I don't know.
Me: Ok, analogy here. Would you just start making out with Andrew for fun?
Kory: Hell no.
Me: OK....
Kory: It's not the same thing.
Me: Yes, really, it is.
**Conversation ends because it is obviously not going to result in me understanding anything.

Soooo, I guess it's OK for straight girls to make out, but not straight guys? I am so confused here. If straight guys make out, it appears to be "gross" or "wrong". But, if straight girls make out, it's "normal" or "hot"? What's the difference?

Truly, I don't think it's me that is confused, I think it is their generation.....

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The One Everyone Except Me Has Taken

What is today's date?
April 5, 2008

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Kurt, I am sure

Have you taken anyone's virginity?

Has anyone ever sang to you?

What did you do yesterday?
Worked, ran some errands with Kurt to Petsmart and Lowe's, hung at home, ordered food in.

What did you do today?
breakfast with lea and rebecca, lunch with Hollie, stopped at the mall really quickly between the two to burn some time and bought some cute shoes for cheap, hung with Kurt, ran some errands with kurt to the vacuum store, some pet stores, and tractor supply.....hanging at home now and needing to go workout

Who do you text the most?:

What is your favorite color(s)?
cobalt blue

What color is your phone?
silver and black

Name something funny that happened today?
vito playing with his new toy and protecting it from the other dogs.....

How tall are you?:

Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
my mom, on the phone today

Any thing sore on your body?
not really.

Do you secretly like someone?
no, nothing is secret

Who's the last person you IM'ed?
Hmm. I have not done this in forever, but prob Rebecca

What is the last thing you watched on TV?

What room are you in?
great room

Last reason why you were grounded?
ha. No idea. Prob for staying out past curfew, but I was never really too grounded, I was a good kid.

Are you cold?

What was your New Year's resolution?
to learn spanish

Did you kiss anyone when it turned 2008?

Can you speak any other language?
a little Spanish and French

What is the last letter of your last name?

What time did you go to bed last night?
Early, I think around 10

How much sleep did you get the previous night?
7 hours maybe?

Next flight to?
Well, not knowing this for sure. June to LA.

Who was your last phone call of the night last night?
My Mom, I think

Do you have your belly button or tongue pierced?
No, but my belly button used to be pierced.

Do you have a tattoo?

The last person you kissed older than you?

Do you think hooking up with an ex is bad?

Something you are not looking forward to?
working out tonight.

Last thing you ate?
a chip

What was last thing you drank?
sugar free red bull

Are you happy right now?

Last thing you spent money on?
some wild bird supplies at Tractor Supply

Last time you met someone new?

What were you doing at 10 last night?
i was in bed

What can't you not wait for?

When is your birthday?

What did you wear today?
Earlier today, my Lacoste sweater, jeans, and black boots, with my Burberry watch, wedding ring and topaz ring. Later in the day, changed into my Pumas and black long sleeve shirt (rest stayed the same). Soon, will be wearing workout clothes.

Last time you did the dishes?
earlier this week

Have you ever driven someone else's car?

Look to your left, what is the first thing you noticed?..
sugar free red bull

Any kids?
animal kids

Age at next birthday?

Thursday, April 03, 2008

You're Beautiful......

In the past two days, two random people have told me I am beautiful. So odd. One of the guards at court stopped me and told me yesterday, and today, a client stopped in and told me "You look really beautiful today." A female client. So odd, but so nice of both of them.

So odd. People compliment my clothing, jewelry, shoes, etc. all the time, but I usually don't get random people saying I am beautiful to my face, or stopping me to say so.....

I have been feeling kinda gross lately, so it was nice to hear.....

Thanks random people, for making my day and making a girl smile! :).

And knowing how that made me smile, I think we should all make an effort to compliment others more often. It can really make someone's day.

My new saying lately is "The glass is half full". It's easy with my life to get down and negative and stressed out about things. About two weeks ago, I started saying that phrase over and over and I am trying to get Kurt to think that way too. Seriously, the only way Kurt and I are going to survive in this business is to be positive and always see that the grass is greener on THIS side of the fence, and not the other. I think it is really helping me....

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Orlando Part Deux

So, continuing from my last post......

Kurt and I ate out at a really good Japanese place on Saturday night. Split some sushi and both had really good fish meals.....There was a performance by these women from Tokyo playing bongo like drums during dinner, which was really different and very kewl. After that, met up with Jeff for some putt putt golf. I have to admit right here to the world that I beat both Jeff and Kurt. It was a great sports moment. Kurt then treated Jeff and I to Ben and Jerry's ice cream and then we were off to bed.

The next day, I saw Sidney Poitier speak at the conference and did some more classes and exhibits. After that, met up with Kurt and Scott and did a boat tour of 4 lakes in Winter Park. It was a lot of fun. We then hung out at Scott's house and did dinner.

Next day, we went outlet shopping with Jeff. I loved it, but totally did not have enough time to shop as the places were huge. Kurt went off on his own, and to my shock, actually made purchases! I know! We all thought Kurt was not capable of this! He bought some stuff at Puma, Kenneth Cole, and Banana Republic, ohh, and Calviin Klein. I was impressed with his deal finding. I found some great stuff too....Bought a really cute and really marked down black dress at White House Black Market, two skirts at two shirt sleeve sweaters at Ann Taylor, and an amazing short sleeve black cashmere sweater at Lacoste. I don't own anything cashmere and normally hate wash by hand clothing, but I literally fell in love with the style of this sweater and can't wait to wear it.

All in all, great trip. The working part of it was not that great, but the getting away, even for a short time, was incredible. I feel totally refreshed, and really needed that. I did not take many pics, but here are the ones I took......Click here. Being in Florida is just not that inspirational to me, since there is not much nature and I have been there so many times.....