Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yea......How About, No?

I got the email below this morning, and was all like, YAY! Free money or product! Until I read further, and yea, no thank you. Although, it would be somewhat funny to have that product come in the mail, maybe addressed to Kurt? Ha. However, if Canon, any travel agent or Sephora/Ulta would like me to review and get their products for free, feel totally free to call me. I am available to test those products at ANY time.............Heh.


I'm the webmaster of http://www.peloop.com
I wanted to know if by any chance you would be interested in doing an unbiased review of our site http://www.peloop.com on your blog http://haskellfamily.blogspot.com/

If you agree you can choose between receiving a product sample or receiving a payment.

If you choose the product sample instead of the payment the sample is yours to keep and you don’t need to send it back.

The product sample that you can get is Peloop - a penis enhancer and you can see it there: http://www.peloop.com

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank you

If you want to receive more paid review proposals, just click the following link:


If you don't want to ever receive mails from us, just click the following link:



  1. AHAHA!! Pretty freakin hilarious!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOL! Personally, I would love for you to review this product ;)

  4. Haha come on! Review it!! :) haha

  5. Hahahaha, thank you for making me laugh today- I needed it!

  6. Ha ha, I think I'll review it!
