Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I'm Going to Cheat

Catchy title, eh? I am sure that those of you who know me were not believing this title, but yea, I really am going to cheat.

Only, not on my husband.

On my stylist.

I have been going to the same stylist in Royal Oak for like 8 years. Maybe more. I have lost count. He is awesome. But, I am really sick of driving so far to get my hair done. When I lived in Taylor, it was not quite as far. But now, driving from home there and back is tiring, and basically takes up an entire night. So, I decided that I was going to try something new. The prob is, there is noplace near the office or my house that is acceptable. At all. I have tried in the past, and I have never been happy with the results. I like a somewhat upscale, yet not snobby salon, that *gets* me and my hair. I am low maintenance, and I need to look professional at the same time. So, I am not open to crazy suggestions.

I decided that I might be able to find some places in the Toledo area, which is not far from my house. I asked my friend, Marilyn, who lives in Sylvania, and she wrote me back with three suggestions. I called this place called David Broadway Salon and Spa, and made an appointment for Saturday morning. They also have a spa and a medical facility for laser hair removal and such, so if I really like the place, I can get other stuff done there too. Oddly, I have someone different cutting my hair then coloring, which I have never had. I guess the people there specialize in their own thing.

I am going to take my computer with me, as I want something different done, and i did some pics on a site of me with different colors and such. My current stylist really likes me blonde and is not very open to other colors. Well, I am sure he would be if I asked, but his opinion is blonde is best on me. I have had reddish hair before and i really liked it on me, so I know strawberry blonde or something would look good. I also want to get some longer, sideswept bangs or something. Not full fledged bangs, but something off to the side. Anyway, I can't figure out how to post the pics of hair that I designed, so if you want to see them and tell me what you think I should do next with my hair, let me know and I will give you my name and password on the site. Some of the pics were totally for fun because I am not dying my hair black, LOL.

Watched 21 and loved it.

Bought some more officey things for my office, and am feeling more at home back there. It's so nice to not have to talk to people if I don't want to. I don't know why I did not move everything around long ago. I have had an office for 9 years, and have rarely used it, except to meet with clients. I am so weird. Ha.

OHHHHHH. My GPS arrived today. We have barely played around with it, but it is setup and in the car. I have a lot to learn about it, but it is so freaking kewl. LOVE it. I know Kurt is going to want one in his car next, LOL. I love how I can talk to it and it responds. And, my two passport holders and new wallet came today too. It was like Xmas at the office (Kory said).

Anyway, I am rambling and I need to get to bed. I am feeling so much better since hiring someone, and feel like I am getting some time to myself. It's kinda a trick, because this is a slightly slower time at the office, and I know I will get slammed with too much work soon, but the slight break is nice.....


  1. Damn, now we'll never do dinner at Little Tree again, ha.

  2. Just hit the "Print scrn" key on your keyboard, then "paste" and "crop" in paint :) I wanna seeee!!

  3. I want to see the hair pics. I've been thinking of something new (my hairdresser suggested some red in my bangs, underneath my 'regular' hair color, so it's only seen occasionally).

    Glad to hear the new girl is working out and you are liking your new office space!

  4. I'd love to see the hair pics!

    We also really enjoyed 21.

    Glad your new setup in the office is working out.
