Saturday, May 02, 2009

reunion dinner

Had dinner tonight with law school friends at Fishbones in Detroit. Had a fabulous time. Over three hours FLEW by. I had seafood gumbo soup and sushi. Yum. Ralph paid the bill and would not let anyone argue, which did not make me happy, BUT, thanks Ralph! It was awesome to see everyone and catch up. It has been far too long. Let's see, who showed up--Ginger and her husband, Ralph and his wife, Jessica and Tony, me, Nancy, Amanda, and Julie. It was a great turnout. Hopefully next time even more people can make it!

Earlier in the day I went to Canton to buy necessities at Trader Joe's and Sam's Club, and pick up Lisa's graduation tickets for tomorrow. I was so happy to go to Trader joe's and pick up fresh fish. I have not been there in forever. So much cheaper and better quality than the regular grocery stores in Monroe. Auntie went with me to run the errands and picked up a few things herself.

Our driveway trees were delivered this morning, and Kurt and Kory started putting them in, but Kory had to leave early to install a ceiling fan at rebecca's, so they will have to finish the trees later. Thus far, they look awesome. I can't wait until they are all in.

Off to bed, I am exhausted!

1 comment:

  1. I need a Kory too!! Send him to Canada! Tell him all the snow is melted woot!
