Friday, May 01, 2009

Vaccine Queen

I think I am the most vaccinated person I know. I have mixed feelings about vaccines, in reality. But, I really feel like I need them with the weird ass places Kurt and I choose to travel to.

Anyway, today we went and had the third shot in a series of three for Hep A. Done with those now. But, we are going to have to go back for more for the Uganda trip. For sure we need a Polio booster. Our Typhoid expires in November, but since we had our first shot, a pill came on the market you can take that covers you for 5 years, so we will prob take that instead of the shot. We may get the rabies vaccine and some other too, as there is this one Chimp walk I want to do at a sanctuary and in order to do it, you have to have proof of some vaccines I do not have yet. We will see. Anyway, my arm is a little bit sore, so I took it easy tonight.

Speaking of Uganda, I wired my downpayment to them today. I had never wired money before, it was a new experience. So, the trip is set in stone now, and I already can't wait. :).

Went to dinner with Kurty, and watched the Tigers lose. Booooo.

Have a busy weekend ahead of me. Hoping for some nice nonrainy weather so I can maybe take a walk and take some spring greenery pics.

Hope everyone has a fun weekend! Safe travels to Jessica going to Orlando and Mindy and her boys!


  1. Tigers may have lost but the Red Wings rocked a win! At least we know they can win a championship :) (Even though you don't watch hockey)

  2. I'm the same way... I have mixed feelings about vaccines... however, going to certain parts of the world, I'd rather not chance it!

  3. I love that you watch the Tigers every day! I do the same thing with my baseball team!

  4. Have you had any crazy side effect experiences with any of the vaccines?

  5. Megan, nope, no side effects at all. And I have had quite a few in the past two years including, Hep A, Hep B, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Tetanus, taking malaria pills, and more I think........
