This past week, I took a 40-hour mediation training seminar in Ann Arbor. The seminar was really great. Not only did I learn what I need to in order to do conduct mediations and add that into my office, I learned a lot that will help me work with people in my normal cases and read actions and reactions of others, and I think it even changed me a little bit as a person. The instructor has been doing mediations for over 20 years, and was really laid back and super intelligent. She is internationally known for doing these courses and mediations. Anyway, to all my attorney friends, I highly recommend the training. I still have to take a domestic violence 4 hour course in Lansing, observe two mediations and be observed in one, but then I can be added to the court lists for referrals. Technically though, I can do mediations now (just cant be added to the court list yet). I take the domestic violence course on 8-19, and have some ideas on who I want to observe and contact about that part. Soo happy to be done though, I was working at night after the class several nights this week as well and was insanely exhausted all week. Met a lot of really great people at the mediation as well, which was kewl.
We ordered a new treadmill, since ours died. It was delivered last night, just need to set it up and I can start running again. Whoot! Hopefully I like it, cuz sending it back would be a pain in the butt.
Last weekend, took a trip to Manistee to visit my Mom, and Rebecca came with me. I love going to Manistee, because being in a small beach town just kinda forces you to relax and do a lot of nothing. Which we did. Yay. Did some shopping in downtown Manistee, drove to the beach, had awesome ice cream at my fav place, saw two of my friends, Shannon (and her newly born baby Samantha) and Heidi (with 2 year old Lanessa). Also got to see my Mom's band play at the Relay for Life, and they were AWESOME. i cant believe how good my Mom has gotten at the drums in such a short time. the band is great. I bought an incredible candle while I was there, that is burning in our living room right now. Also bought this yummy looking sauce for cooking with called Rub with Love Spicy Red Chili Teryaki Sauce. Also, my Mom gave me two more cups and saucers for my collection, and they are both super unique. Added them to my china cabinet........

Had to work today and will part of tomorrow. Ugh. But, hopefully, we can start the week kinda caught up. Hope everyone else had a nice weekend.