OK, my bar review courses are offially killing me. Since i have not blogged in about one week, this should be obvious to some....Anyway, I started BARBRI on Monday. Every night, from 6:00 p.m. until 9::30 p.m. (Sometimes later). I am on day four and i am SOOO tired. Kurt finally, on his own, decided that something needs to change or I am going to have a mental breakdown by the end of summer. I simply can't study, work full-time AND attend these freaking classes. I am only home for literally about 2 waking hours a day. So, we changed around our secretaries' schedules so someone will be working every day, all day long. This way, I can work less, and sometimes do to class during the morning hours. This will help me so much and I am so relieved. I just have to make it through one more class tomorrow night. It's subject is Professional Responsibility, which iss somewhat interesting.
Sooo, since my last blog, what have we done....Last Friday night, Kurt, Kory and I went to Crave to celebrate my birthday as well as graduation. Crave is so awesome, my fav restaurant by far. Kory had never eaten Japanese food, so it was fun to let him try it, and he loved it AND Crave. The food was incredible, as usual. I wish I had time to go there more often.

Saturday, I had class, but then that night, we had dinner with my sister, her fiance, Jim, and his two kids, as well as my Auntie and my Grama. I had never met the kids before, and they were so sweet and fun. We had a blast at dinner and the house. The kids loved the pugs and Busgy.

Sunday, I had class. Kurt and Kory went to the Tigers game...I was jealous! ;).
This rest has pretty much consisted of class. Kurt and Kory planted 16 new pine trees in the yard and bought all the supplies to do the gym in the basement. Everything was delivered, but they have not started yet. I can't wait until that is done too.......
Sooo, since my last blog, what have we done....Last Friday night, Kurt, Kory and I went to Crave to celebrate my birthday as well as graduation. Crave is so awesome, my fav restaurant by far. Kory had never eaten Japanese food, so it was fun to let him try it, and he loved it AND Crave. The food was incredible, as usual. I wish I had time to go there more often.

Saturday, I had class, but then that night, we had dinner with my sister, her fiance, Jim, and his two kids, as well as my Auntie and my Grama. I had never met the kids before, and they were so sweet and fun. We had a blast at dinner and the house. The kids loved the pugs and Busgy.

Sunday, I had class. Kurt and Kory went to the Tigers game...I was jealous! ;).
This rest has pretty much consisted of class. Kurt and Kory planted 16 new pine trees in the yard and bought all the supplies to do the gym in the basement. Everything was delivered, but they have not started yet. I can't wait until that is done too.......