Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Another Day, Another Dollar.....

So, work has been crazy this week. Kurt has been out on IRS meetings, so I have been doing literally everything myself and I have been sooo slammed. I swear, I spent the majority of the afternoon on the phone today--I don't think I set it down at all, except to get up and use the restroom. And for anyone who knows me, I HATE THE FREAKING phone. I guess I should get used to it and get over my hatred though, since this is my life until I retire. :).

Anyway, am psyched Boston Legal is back on tonight. Am watching it right now. Looks like there are two new characters--will have to decide what I think of them.

So, since Kurt is leaving the IRS, I had to get health insurance for us elsewhere. I was kinda nervous about the cost, but am now psyched and happy to announce that we were approved for insurance and it is costing us LESS money than his monthly payment through the IRS was. And I think it's better insurance. So more HMO, asking a doctor for permission to see another doctor bullshit. It's a PPO, so I can basically go to any doctor in the book. And looked up my current doctors, who participate in the plan. So yay.

I am having photography withdrawal. With the days getting shorter and nightfall occurring just after I get home, I do not have the opportunity to get out there and shoot after work ends. So, I have just been doing some work with my camera in the backyard. I am really blessed to have 35 acres to roam around on and take pics. I think my sanity would be lost if I did not have that. Photography really relaxes me at the end of the day.....

Back to my scheduled program, talk more later everyone.


RachelSW said...

I love Boston Legal Lori! They come up with the most twisted situations on that show. I still have not seen the second episode of the season, as I have recorded it. Anyway...I hope that work settles down for you soon.

Rebecca said...

You know...they have people you can hire to answer the phones for you ;) Don't you have people to do that? I say just let it all go to voicemail and call them back when you want to :) I mean, really, who cares about someones upcoming court date?? Haha