Kurt and I had the honor off attending our friend Lisa's graduation from PA school on Sunday, at the Detroit Yacht Club on Belle Isle in Detroit, MI. Lisa has been in school for the past two years for this degree, and it was extremely intense. I think I only saw her twice in that timeframe, and we usually do dinner with her and Cliff all the time. Anyway. The lunch and festivities were really classy and nice. The facilities were gorgeous. We had a really nice time. Lisa was very psyched to get her "white coat" and we are all really, really proud of her. Amazing accomplishment. The rest of the night, Kurt and Kory put in trees down part of the driveway.

The remainder of the trees went in tonight and it is pretty much done, with the exception of cleanup. Here are the before and after pics.

Guess who has come into the world? The geese babies! They are some of the cutest things I have ever seen. I played paparazzi and spied on them and tried to get some pics, while trying not to have the parents attack me, LOL. There are 7 sweet babies and being less than a day old, can already swim so well! :). I love them completely. Supposedly, they do not fly until 10 weeks, so I am sure there will be more pics to come.
I've looked into the PA program at UW and it is just as tough as the MD! I think after getting my BSN I will go ahead and get my ARNP if I want to go further.
Anyway, love the pics of the geese! I love baby chicks, or goslings I guess they would be! They are so sweet!
As tough, but MUCH quicker. Once she takes her boards on 5/19 and gets her results the next day, she can begin her career.........
The trees look great and the goslings are very cute!
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