So, we are leaving in 15 minutes for Vegas! Yay! Well, leaving for the airport anyway. :).
I am really wondering how we are going to fit everyone's luggage in the rental car, but I guess we will figure that out when we get there. For 4 adults and a 5 day trip, I have no idea why we need so much *stuff*, but it's all good......
Can't wait to get there and start relaxing. Work this week has been a bitch. We wanted to leave the office early and of course AS SOON as we were about to leave, two clients walked in and would not shut up. About pointless shit. FINALLY, they left, and we were out of there!
I may or may not post while there, so talk to everyone soon!
Blog that contains the travels, life adventures, and thoughts of us!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
One More Day.....One More Day....
So, we leave for vacay tomorrow night. Whoot! I actually packed ahead of time (tonight) and it will be nice to not have to rush around before our flight. We are flying Spirit for the first time, so I will have to post after the flight on if I hated it or liked it.......I hate Northwest andd Ryan International, other than that, I am fine with everyone else I have flown. My fav is Contintental, but their flights to Vegas were all screwy with layovers and stuff. I don't do layovers unless totally necessary.
Work was OK today. I went downtown to file because I just wanted to get out of the office. The weather was gorgeous, and sometimes it is nice to just drive with the top down the car and blare music.
Oh, I bought a Michael Buble CD at Target tonight and listened to it a little bit on the way home. I think I bought an older one, but I already love it. I heard a song of his on the radio the other day and knew his work would relax me, just like Colbie Calliat's does. Sigh. Yay. I need relaxing music these days.
Rebecca is already over here, she was sick of her family and had to get out! Night all.
Work was OK today. I went downtown to file because I just wanted to get out of the office. The weather was gorgeous, and sometimes it is nice to just drive with the top down the car and blare music.
Oh, I bought a Michael Buble CD at Target tonight and listened to it a little bit on the way home. I think I bought an older one, but I already love it. I heard a song of his on the radio the other day and knew his work would relax me, just like Colbie Calliat's does. Sigh. Yay. I need relaxing music these days.
Rebecca is already over here, she was sick of her family and had to get out! Night all.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Nothing Much

Nothing really exciting to report on here. Just thought I would post a fun pic.........Work has been crazy busy the past two days, and we have not gotten home until 7 or after each night. I am exhausted. Ugh. I just keep looking forward to leaving for Vegas on Thursday night. I am glad Misty is working the next two days so I can have a slight break with the phone calls. I seriously detest the phone.
I found out one of my friends from high school is pregnant! But, I can't really post about it yet, because it's not really public knowledge, totally. I will wait until she announces it to everyone so I don't ruin the surprise! ;). Congrats though!
Did some more laundry tonight, and I hate to jinx it, but I *think* I am almost caught up. Which pretty much NEVER happens. I am running out of stuff to put in the washing machine! It's a freaking miracle! AHAHA.
Anyway, super tired, so I am heading to bed. Go Tigers!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Ramblings of Me

Another weekend day at the office down. Today, a miracle occured, my friends. I got to the bottom of the pile of bankruptcies to draft. I have no idea how I did it, since I woke up with a headache today and did not think I would be able to focus..........with the help of a diet cherry coke and tuna sub from Subway, I forged through and finished! We have been so slammed lately, that I have had at least a few, if not more, files I needed to work on in that area of our practice. It feels amazing to get down to the bottom. That will change very soon because I have a feeling we are getting hired on a bunch of new ones this week, but at least I am 100% caught up with the files we have! WOO HOO. Kurt also got done with some family law stuff as well as a really complicated tax case he is working on, so it was nice to get that out of the way.

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Life Passing Me By

**Bugsy with the flowers that Sarah bought me.
I yet again, have let a week pass by with no blogging. I swear. I need more free time and it will happen on Thursday evening, when we leave for Vegas! Whoot! Although that won't necessarily help on the blogging front, it will give me time to relax. Which I really need.
I am nursing a headache right now, ugh. We worked all day today, because since we are going out of town soon, I have to suffer working weekends beforehand. At least I got a ton of crap done today. By the time we left, I was about ready to burn out. Typing debt after debt after debt into my computer for our bankruptcy clients was getting really, really old. Aargh.
There was a HUGE storm in our area last night. Normally, I would a good thunderstorm, but this was had us in the basement temporarily. Out of nowhere, the entire backyard became black and the wind was blowing so hard, it looked like our trees were about to snap in half! We put the dogs in the basement, and watched from the living room. All the sudden, we saw Kory and Britton pull up the driveway and run in the door. They had been eating dinner and left about when the storm hit. On the way home, they saw two trees fall over. We all stood in the backyard and watched the lightning and listened to the rain, and finally, it stopped. We decided to take a drive and survey the area, and saw a bunch of downed branches, a few trees, etc. On the way to work today, we saw a downed traffic light, which I have never seen happen before. Pretty crazy.
I got package on Friday from Origins. They had a deal on some products, and I was in need of my favorite body scrub I ran out of some time ago, so I placed an order. The new shampoo and conditioner I got, I used today and I love! It smells amazing and my hair still smells like the product! Which is incredible, because usually the scent of shampoos does not last all day and night and through a workout! Anyway, I highly recommend the items. Oh, and I got a free sample of this lotion that is really nice too. Don't know if I would purchase it ever because mushrooms kinda freak me out, but the product itself is very moisturizing and smells not like mushrooms, LOL.
I never wrote about it, but Kendra (Kory's sister and my niece) was here last weekend, and it was really nice to see her. We took her to Pete's Garage one night, and Dolce Vita for sushi the next night. Went shopping on Saturday in Ann Arbor, and I got a nice pair of jeans from The Limited and a cute dress grey t-shirt. Love that store, and love how their pants come in long. :). Also got my eyebrows waxed, which I desperately needed and never have time to get done.
Wednesday night, I went and got my hair done in Royal Oak at Alex Emilio's. Got about an inch cut off and new highlights, and then had dinner and ice cream with Rebecca. We had sushi at Katana and it was sooooo good. I love that place. I also had miso soup, which is amazing there. I am picky about my miso.
Thursday night was long, had a board meeting that started at 4 and did not end until after 10 PM. There was a lot of things going on and decisions being made, which took some time. But, I was really pleased with the decisions made by the board and the direction we are going in on many of the issues. I am still second guessing myself (not really) on the whole VP thing, because the guy that lost is still driving everyone nuts. It's like he is never going to let anyone live down that he did not get his way. It's ridiculous, seriously. His personality is like night and day, from before the vote until after the vote for officers. He was best friends with one guy before the vote, and now he won't even talk to him. And he continues to cause scenes during meetings and in other ways. I have finally decided that I am done trying to be super nice and get the guy to relax. If I need to say something, I am going to say it, whatever the outcome. Which I did at one point that night when I thought something he did was totally unreasonable. I just don't get people.
Watched a documentary on Waco last night with Kurt, Kory and Britton. It was pretty good, but I was exhausted and missed parts of it through my napping. Kurt highly recommends it though, and said it is really eye opening to how wrong the government acted through all of that.
Anyway, off to bed to prepare for another day of work tomorrow. Hope everyone else is having a work free weekend! :).
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Heather's Blog Challenge #20
So, I know, I know. I don't really keep up with these. But I am going to do #20 now, since I have a free moment.
Lori's Favorite Things (that one can purchase)
Pantene Pro-V Light Detangling Mist: I use this product every day after showering on my hair. I have very tangly hair and this product helps make it easy to brush/comb thru after showering.
Lancome Bi-Facil: What I use to remove eye make-up at night. My eyes are kinda sensitive, and this does not bother them at all. Buy it on eBay to save money.
Origins Ginger Up Shampoo: I am a sucker for shampoos and conditioners that smell yummy. I could list about 100 that I like, but this is one of my favs.
Philosophy Products: I pretty much love every product in this line. If you bought me ANYTHING Philosophy as a gift, I would be super, super excited, LOL. I have not used any product in this line that I have not loved.
Perfume by Fresh: I am obsessed with perfumes. I am extremely embarassed to say that I have about 40 in my bathroom. I am proud to say that *most* of them were bought on sale/clearance/eBay, but still......Anyway, the best line, by far, which I discovered at Sephora, is Fresh. My current favorite is Fresh Sake, but I also love the Index line, and my fav from that line is Bergamot Citrus. Everyone I know who has tried these scents has LOVED them. They rock. Next on my wish list is Herperides.
Propel Water: My fav is Grape, followed closely by Black Cherry. Yum. Perfect workout enhancer.
Midori: I don't drink much, but when I do have a drink, this is by far by drink of choice. I enjoy it mixed with Diet Rock Star, Sugar Free Red Bull and if those are not around, Diet Sprite.
Origins Paradise Found: This is pretty much the best body scrub ever. Speaking of which, I need to order more as I am out! :).
Lancome Photogenic Foundation: I have used this for years now, and love it.
Rosebud Strawberry Lip Balm: Perfect chapstick.
Nars Lip Gloss: Small package and expensive, but by far, the best lip gloss. And the names are hilarious. Orgasm is their best seller, hehe.
Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Panties: I recently moved on from the 5 for $25 collection at Vicky's to the Very Sexy Collection and I freaking LOVE them. Comfy and gorgeous.
Under Armour Sports Bras: For all my working out needs.
Puma tennis shoes: I am obsessed. Almost any pair I see, I will like, LOL.
Almay Intense I-Color: These three way sets are awesome. Easy to use, and really bring out your eye color.
Love Spell Lotion and Body Spray: Someone gave me this as a gift last Xmas, and I have been in love ever since. Thanks again, Megan!
I think I will leave off there, since I have listed so much stuff already.....I really enjoyed reading everyone else's entries! :).
Lori's Favorite Things (that one can purchase)
Pantene Pro-V Light Detangling Mist: I use this product every day after showering on my hair. I have very tangly hair and this product helps make it easy to brush/comb thru after showering.
Lancome Bi-Facil: What I use to remove eye make-up at night. My eyes are kinda sensitive, and this does not bother them at all. Buy it on eBay to save money.
Origins Ginger Up Shampoo: I am a sucker for shampoos and conditioners that smell yummy. I could list about 100 that I like, but this is one of my favs.
Philosophy Products: I pretty much love every product in this line. If you bought me ANYTHING Philosophy as a gift, I would be super, super excited, LOL. I have not used any product in this line that I have not loved.
Perfume by Fresh: I am obsessed with perfumes. I am extremely embarassed to say that I have about 40 in my bathroom. I am proud to say that *most* of them were bought on sale/clearance/eBay, but still......Anyway, the best line, by far, which I discovered at Sephora, is Fresh. My current favorite is Fresh Sake, but I also love the Index line, and my fav from that line is Bergamot Citrus. Everyone I know who has tried these scents has LOVED them. They rock. Next on my wish list is Herperides.
Propel Water: My fav is Grape, followed closely by Black Cherry. Yum. Perfect workout enhancer.
Midori: I don't drink much, but when I do have a drink, this is by far by drink of choice. I enjoy it mixed with Diet Rock Star, Sugar Free Red Bull and if those are not around, Diet Sprite.
Origins Paradise Found: This is pretty much the best body scrub ever. Speaking of which, I need to order more as I am out! :).
Lancome Photogenic Foundation: I have used this for years now, and love it.
Rosebud Strawberry Lip Balm: Perfect chapstick.
Nars Lip Gloss: Small package and expensive, but by far, the best lip gloss. And the names are hilarious. Orgasm is their best seller, hehe.
Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Panties: I recently moved on from the 5 for $25 collection at Vicky's to the Very Sexy Collection and I freaking LOVE them. Comfy and gorgeous.
Under Armour Sports Bras: For all my working out needs.
Puma tennis shoes: I am obsessed. Almost any pair I see, I will like, LOL.
Almay Intense I-Color: These three way sets are awesome. Easy to use, and really bring out your eye color.
Love Spell Lotion and Body Spray: Someone gave me this as a gift last Xmas, and I have been in love ever since. Thanks again, Megan!
I think I will leave off there, since I have listed so much stuff already.....I really enjoyed reading everyone else's entries! :).
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Before and After--Little Bit Late
I never posted pics of the before and after of the wetbar in the living room, and since nothing else is going on exciting in the household, I will do that right now! :).
Before Pic: Kory built the shelves which are in the before picture. Before that, I had noplace to put all my glassware and such and some was sitting on the wetbar and some stored in a china cabinet. You can also see the start of Kurt tearing out the linoleum border that the guy had in there. Linoleum=bad. We hate linoleum.
Before Pic: Kory built the shelves which are in the before picture. Before that, I had noplace to put all my glassware and such and some was sitting on the wetbar and some stored in a china cabinet. You can also see the start of Kurt tearing out the linoleum border that the guy had in there. Linoleum=bad. We hate linoleum.

Monday, August 13, 2007

So, I rented the car for Vegas today. It actually seems more real that I am getting away, now that stuff is getting reserved. I used a coupon from the Entertainment Book and saved $45! What a deal! We are getting a convertible from Alamo. We only get convertibles in Vegas, they are so much fun to drive the Strip with. Hopefully we get a PT Cruiser again, they are a lot of fun. I need to start researching places to eat and write them down. I always try to find kewl, offstrip places to eat at while we are there.
So, more with the shopping. I went on Sunday to Old Navy to replace my flip flops....I have had the same pair of black Old Navy flip flops forever, and I freaking swear by them. They cost all of $2.50, but they are the most durable, comfy flip flops in life. Anyway. Mine are about dead, so I purchased two new pairs, one in black and one in white. While there, tried on a really cute jean skirt that I got, as well as some t-shirts on sale. Also bought the pugs a new walrus toy that they are in love with.
The office was insane today. People were driving me crazy. Sometimes I want to say to people "LISTEN. I am not going to harass others simply because you harass me." We have one client who stopped in on Friday afternoon, wanted me to make a phone call. Which I did. While she was there. I got a hold of the atty, but he had to place another call to a company to get the info I needed for my client. She was not happy with that, wanted her info right then. Anyway. That was 445 PM on Friday. She then stopped in AGAIN on Monday morning at 1000 AM and wanted me to call the lawyer AGAIN. I was like "No, I am not going to harass him, he will call me back when he has the info." It was totally like she did not comprehend this, and truly wanted me to call. I refused. Of course, the lawyer called me back a couple hours later, gave me the info she wanted and I called her with it. Why can't people just let me do my freaking job? Every call then comes though, that I have to answer is another minute of the day that I can't work on people's files, documents, whatever. And then people bitch when their work is not done instantaneously.
We have one divorce today that amused me. For the entire case, the cheap ass husband has not gotten a lawyer. Tried to *settle* the case with his wife, and literally drove us up the wall. Even though it is a long term marriage and he makes 4 times what she does, he does not think she is entitled to anything. In fact, she is entitled to half his pension, spousal support, child support, etc. The case was mediated and got NOWHERE because the guy did not have a lawyer there with him to teach him REASON. Anyway, FINALLY, at the final hour, he gets a lawyer. A personal injury lawyer. OK. This is a complex family law case, and you hire a personal injury lawyer? Never heard of this guy before. He calls Kurt up, and proceeds to (LOL) tell Kurt that he is reasonable and tries to tell Kurt how the Judge will rule in the case. Kurt found this amusing because we have a Judge who is not predictable whatsoever. And since Kurt is in court almost every day and knows all the lawyers in family law down there, and has never heard of this guy, we are fairly sure he is not in front of this Judge on a regular basis. Especially from his comments about *knowing* what the Judge will rule. It was amusing, to say the least. Sometimes, lawyers who are older than we are will attempt to bully us, which does not work. I find it hilarious though. They think we don't know what we are doing, because they have been practicing longer than us. Yea, maybe longer, but we do so many cases a year, we actually have MORE experience. But they don't know that until they see what happens when they are against us in court.
Oh, and we got some really, really juicy stuff on one of our cases today. Kurt cannot wait until Friday to present it to the Judge (we have a hearing in the case). This will be one for the Haskell law record books, I think. Some stories we tell again and again, and I believe this will be one of 'em. On par with the atty who drafted a Motion and attached a picture of a webcam penis pic to it; or perhaps the time our client held up panties in court of his wife's lesbian lover.......This may be even better, but I will have to wait and see if the info is brought up or not. There is a total arrogant atty on the other side of the case who thinks he knows everything (even though he continually loses on this case), so it will be super fun to see how he explains this ........
So, more with the shopping. I went on Sunday to Old Navy to replace my flip flops....I have had the same pair of black Old Navy flip flops forever, and I freaking swear by them. They cost all of $2.50, but they are the most durable, comfy flip flops in life. Anyway. Mine are about dead, so I purchased two new pairs, one in black and one in white. While there, tried on a really cute jean skirt that I got, as well as some t-shirts on sale. Also bought the pugs a new walrus toy that they are in love with.
The office was insane today. People were driving me crazy. Sometimes I want to say to people "LISTEN. I am not going to harass others simply because you harass me." We have one client who stopped in on Friday afternoon, wanted me to make a phone call. Which I did. While she was there. I got a hold of the atty, but he had to place another call to a company to get the info I needed for my client. She was not happy with that, wanted her info right then. Anyway. That was 445 PM on Friday. She then stopped in AGAIN on Monday morning at 1000 AM and wanted me to call the lawyer AGAIN. I was like "No, I am not going to harass him, he will call me back when he has the info." It was totally like she did not comprehend this, and truly wanted me to call. I refused. Of course, the lawyer called me back a couple hours later, gave me the info she wanted and I called her with it. Why can't people just let me do my freaking job? Every call then comes though, that I have to answer is another minute of the day that I can't work on people's files, documents, whatever. And then people bitch when their work is not done instantaneously.
We have one divorce today that amused me. For the entire case, the cheap ass husband has not gotten a lawyer. Tried to *settle* the case with his wife, and literally drove us up the wall. Even though it is a long term marriage and he makes 4 times what she does, he does not think she is entitled to anything. In fact, she is entitled to half his pension, spousal support, child support, etc. The case was mediated and got NOWHERE because the guy did not have a lawyer there with him to teach him REASON. Anyway, FINALLY, at the final hour, he gets a lawyer. A personal injury lawyer. OK. This is a complex family law case, and you hire a personal injury lawyer? Never heard of this guy before. He calls Kurt up, and proceeds to (LOL) tell Kurt that he is reasonable and tries to tell Kurt how the Judge will rule in the case. Kurt found this amusing because we have a Judge who is not predictable whatsoever. And since Kurt is in court almost every day and knows all the lawyers in family law down there, and has never heard of this guy, we are fairly sure he is not in front of this Judge on a regular basis. Especially from his comments about *knowing* what the Judge will rule. It was amusing, to say the least. Sometimes, lawyers who are older than we are will attempt to bully us, which does not work. I find it hilarious though. They think we don't know what we are doing, because they have been practicing longer than us. Yea, maybe longer, but we do so many cases a year, we actually have MORE experience. But they don't know that until they see what happens when they are against us in court.
Oh, and we got some really, really juicy stuff on one of our cases today. Kurt cannot wait until Friday to present it to the Judge (we have a hearing in the case). This will be one for the Haskell law record books, I think. Some stories we tell again and again, and I believe this will be one of 'em. On par with the atty who drafted a Motion and attached a picture of a webcam penis pic to it; or perhaps the time our client held up panties in court of his wife's lesbian lover.......This may be even better, but I will have to wait and see if the info is brought up or not. There is a total arrogant atty on the other side of the case who thinks he knows everything (even though he continually loses on this case), so it will be super fun to see how he explains this ........
Movie Review--Zodiac
Kurt wanted me to rent the movie Zodiac from Netflix. Kurt rarely wants to watch movies, so I ordered it immediately. :). So, it came in the mail on Friday, and we watched it finally last night. So good. Kurt has watched several crime documentaries on the serial killer, and he thought the movie was very true to life from what he has researched and watched on the subject. The movie freaked me out, but not in a gruesome kinda way. I was very glad it was not a gory flick, because those are not my thing. Long movie, but I thought most parts were important to the overall plot of the movie. Loved Robert Downey Jr., but then again, I always do.....
Anyway, highly recommend renting if you have not seen it.
Anyway, highly recommend renting if you have not seen it.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Shopping Gods Smiled Upon Me

So. This week was so odd. Thursday, I am sitting at work, feeling kinda out of it. As afternoon approaches, I feel like I am burning up. I put my hand to my forward, back of my neck and I feel really, really hot. I am also feeling kinda dizzy and out of it. Kurt is at court, and I am at the office alone, so I continue working, but can barely focus. Kurt finally gets back, and I tell him I am going to lie down for a second, after he feels my head and confirms I feel really warm. I do so. Proceed to alternate between working and lying down for the remainder of the day. Had a board meeting that night and call in saying I don't think I will make it, but will try. I proceed to pass out the entire ride home. Wake up to Kurt helping me into the house. Take my temp--102. Lie down on couch with blanket, shivering. Two pugs proceed to jump on couch and cuddle and I pass out until around 10 p.m. Get up, take temp, STILL 102. Go to bed. Feel fever break in the middle of the night and JOY--get a headache. But am glad fever is gone. So strange. No other symptoms or anything, but this odd fever. Ideas anyone? The next day, Friday, I was really worn out and felt like I had a slight fever again that afternoon. Today, woke up with a headache, but proceeded with me day and finally, late afternoon, feel like myself again. I don't get up, but whatever. It would be nice if I could actually take time off when I get sick like that, like most of society can. Con #456 of being self employed--Can't call in sick to work. :).
Today was fun. Had lunch with Hollie and Becca at Red Lobster in Southgate. Bec is leaving for Michigan State soon (she is going there junior and senior years of college), and we wanted one last lunch before she left. After that, i headed to the mall to try and get some summery skirts and shirts for our Vegas trip over Labor Day. Did I mention that yet? We are going to Vegas over Labor Day, and Kory and Rebecca are coming too! Rebecca has never been, so it should be super fun. I can't wait. We rented a condo (timeshare kinda thing) I found on eBay, it's kinda like an apartment. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, etc. Spacious so we are not all over eachother like we would be in a hotel room. I like my space. :). Anyway. Hit the freaking jackpot at NY & Co. Had a coupon (25% off). Pretty much everything I tried on I liked. I was actually HOPING I would not like something it was so bad. Found 5 skirts, 7 tops (including tanks and tees), a dress and two pairs of sunglasses. Got all this for $137.00. Not kidding. Regular price before sales and coupons? $370.00. I am the BEST bargain finder in life. Most of the skirts were regular price $40 marked down to $8.00. And bonus, I can wear them to work too. Went to Men's Warehouse next to buy Kurt two new suits. Found an awesome Donna Karan one marked down from $700.00 to $199.00. I think the shopping Gods were smiling on me today.
Here are links to some of the stuff I got, although I could not find it all on the site: (two)
Oh, and I am done with the wedding pics (mostly). I think I have most of them uploaded, so if you wanna check them out, click here.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Love Her
Sunday, August 05, 2007
First Glimpse

I totally need to go workout and I took over 400 pics that need to be edited from the wedding, so the link to the photo page will be a while, but I wanted to post one quick shot from the wedding. This is one of my favs from the actual ceremony of me and my sister, Christie. Will tell the long story later, but to make it short, the wedding was beautiful and the reception was a lot of fun. Will post more later....
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Short Vacay
My sister's wedding is Saturday! I went and picked up my dress today at the store (alterations were being done), and put my shoes and jewelry in the shoebox and in the car. Just need to pack the rest of my crap. Kurt and I are closing up shop tomorrow at noon and heading to Manistee. The rehearsel dinner is Friday night, then the wedding at 330 p.m. and reception thereafter. SOO many family and friends will be there, it should be pretty fun. Kurt hates Manistee, but hopefully with all the activities going on, he will be OK, LOL. I am just glad he decided to go up with me and not on Saturday, because I really did not want to drive myself all that way.
Anyway, off to do more errands and go to bed. Have a great weekend everyone!
Anyway, off to do more errands and go to bed. Have a great weekend everyone!
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