This week has been, in one word, INSANE. I only technically worked three of five normal work days, but those three were all long days. Ugh. And we worked a lot of the day today. Ugh again. And, we will most likely work most of the day tomrrow. It's sad that I got away on a short vacay and I totally have to *pay* for it when I return. Such is life, I suppose.....Weird, but I actually prefer working on the weekends, as the phone rings so much less and I can actually accomplish real work. Tomorrow, my goal is to make my bankruptcy filings disappear.
So. The continued story of my trip.
As everyone already knows, our plane there was delayed. But, the flight was good when we did get on the plane finally and the service in first class was incredible, as always. I love frequent flyer miles. Once we got there, we decided to just get a room immediately, as we were totally exhausted. We got one here, and our room was really, really nice. Jacuzzi tub, etc. Sad thing was, we could not use any of it because we both just passed out immediately, LOL. Got up in the morning and had continental breakfast at the hotel, then headed to Kurt's brother's house in Orlando. His house is really nice, on a lake. He has renovated it from the bottom up, and will most likely sell it soon and I hope, move to Michigan. He is the only family left in Florida and he is constantly up here on vacation. I know he likes Florida weather, but I am guessing he would rather be up here. Anyway. We went to this cute pet fair near his house, where people could take their pets to hang out for the day and they had food, little pet exhibits, etc., stores you could buy pet stuff at. After that, we headed to Lakeland to the Tigers game. I already posted about this game in an earlier blog, so I won't bore you with it again. But, I have all the pics from this game uploaded, so click here to see them.
Day two, Kurt and I headed to the Disney Parks. We hit all four parks in one day, which I totally DO NOT suggest if you have children. I think it was one of the most exhausting days of my life, and I am not kidding, I probably walked over 10 miles. But, it was really, really fun as well. My fav of the four parks was the Animal Kingdom. Click here to see all the pics from the Disney parks. We also did MGM (which was kinda lame in my opinion), Epcot (which was a lot of fun) and Magic Kingdom (which was really kewl). We went from about 10 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. at night. That night, we drove to Tampa (I know, we are nuts) and got a hotel near Busch Gardens.

Proceeded to Busch Gardens that morning. Here are all the pics from that. We were both kinda tired from the day before, and my stomach was bothering me, so we did not spend all day and night there. We ended up leaving (after seeing everything I wanted to see) at around 230 p.m. and headed to Port Richey to visit my grandparents (who live there in the winter months). We got there and had a blast. They live in a condo and showed us around thier clubhouse and the grounds. It is so nice there. We played Bocce Ball which I totally loved. I now want Kurt to build me an area to play in the yard. Then we went to dinner with them at Olive Garden, and headed back to Orlando. Spent the night in Orlando at a Wyndham on International Drive, which was nice.

Last day, we decided to not do another theme park, and went shopping instead. I had seen this outlet mall while we were driving around and really wanted to go there. Kurt rarely shops, so it was actually kinda fun to shop with him for once. He ended up getting a lot of stuff, including a new suit, several dress shirts, a t-shirt, and a couple of jackets at the Puma store. I got myself two t-shirts and a pair of pants from the Puma store. I love thier stuff for working out. Oh, we had lunch with his brother that day too.
Headed to the airport to leave. This time, I think Northwest was trying to prove us wrong, and they actually left on time. Had superb service on the plane again, and got home. Of course, just as I was forgiving Northwest, our luggage took FOREVER to come out of the carousel. Got our car, and headed home. I love sleeping in my own bed again. Nothing is quite the same.

Oh, almost forgot. Our rental car was so comfortable. We normally get convertibles, but the weather in Florida was only in the 60s and low 70s, and convertibles in Florida were a lot more $$ than in other areas I have rented them, so when I rented, I chose "luxury". Had no idea what that would be. It was a
Lincoln. Kurt said he felt like an old person driving it, but I liked how it rode. I kept falling asleep everytime we went anywhere that was more than 10 minutes away. My Aunt would have loved the car--she was thinking about Lincolns the last time she bought a car, and I have to tell her, I highly suggest them.
While we were gone, Kory knocked out two walls upstairs that Kurt had told him he could. Basically, they are walls that are a kinda balcony overlooking the downstairs. I hate how it was a wall there, so we are going to put up railings instead, and a handrail. hard to explain. Anyway,
this is a set I kinda like here. We have not bought anything yet because we don't have time this weekend to start any projects anyway. But, we went tonight after work and looked at Lowe's and Carter's.
So, I am exhausted, but am glad to be kinda caught up on here.