So, I appeared in court today on a child support hearing. Everything went fine, yay. Something different for me, different courtroom, different referee. It's so odd because I am not mentally nervous about appearing in court anymore, but physically, my stomach hurts, etc. It's so odd. Like my stomach hurt all morning, but I was not *nervous* mentally at all. So freaking weird.
Had dinner tonight with my friend, Nancy, from law school. She is finishing up in May, hopefully, and I am excited for her! I know what it feels like to be done, finally, with that hell. I love having a life again, being able to concentrate on other things again, like spending time with friends, photography, WORKING OUT. You totally can't do a lot of that while in school and it truly sucks. Anyway, Nancy and I ate a place I have never been to, La Pita, and it was really yummy. I had my standard middle eastern dish, salmon ghallaba. It's so refreshing having fabulous liberal conversations and not having someone think I am crazy. Nancy is probably even MORE liberal than me, so she never even blinks at most stuff i say, LOL.
Rain, rain, go away. The drive home from dinner was horrible. I could barely see driving and was thankful to get home safe and sound. So many semis on the highway, not paying attention, going into my lane. AHHHHH.
So, I am addicted to the Search for the Next Pussycat Doll show. Don't ask me why, because besides the fact that it is reality TV, it's totally not my thing. But, I can't stop watching. I was glad to see Sisely booted tonight, she is unique, but she was starting to get on my nerves with her bitching.
I watched the one episodes where the girls were performing while they had the flu, yuck hehe.
Opiniated liberals unite!
Thank you Nancy! :). I am glad some of the world agrees!
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