Saturday, October 16, 2010


Had an aMAZing day on Friday. Holly got her bar results (passing) on Thursday evening, and we of course wanted her sworn in ASAP so she can start doing lawyerly things at the office.

Since Judge Halloran was out of town, I picked Judge Elder to swear her in, and it was awesome. Judge Elder videotaped it, and the courtroom was packed with people waiting for hearings, so they all clapped for her (and her boyfriend, who was there as well being sworn in). Her parents came as well, and I was so beyond happy for her. I know how it feels, all the work you put in, and finally getting to see the results of it all. It's overwhelming really, the feeling you get being sworn in, it's almost like getting married, LOL.

So, starting next week, Holly can appear in court for us! Whoot. Our other new attorney is starting Monday as well. :).

I am so happy with all the positive energy at the office these days.

I can't even remember what else happened this week, I have been so busy. Worked all day today as well, and have to go in tomororrow. BOOOO. Been still doing great with The Daily Plate. Weigh in tomorrow!

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