Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Official Times Two

So, once you pass the bar exam, there are still steps that need to be taken before you can practice law or appear in court. Of course. It seems never ending.....

Anyway. The next step is being sworn in by the courts. This must be done at the Circuit Courts. The bar sets up "mass swearing ins", but the first one is not until November 9, and I did not want to wait that long. So, you can have an atty do the swearing in for you as your sponsor. So, today, Kurt did my and Kellie's swearing in ceremonies in front of Judge Halloran. We went to the courtroom around 1030 a.m. and had to read this little card, swearing to be truthful, honest, etc. Then, the Order for Admission was signed! One would think this would be it. No. Next, I had to fill out a membership application, and send in that, the Order for Admission and a check for $315 (always more money) to the State Bar. Next, I will receive my bar card in the mail and then, and only then, can I appear as an atty in court. Phew. When you are SO CLOSE like I am, these extra steps are so exasperating. So, it will be interesting to see what my "P" number is. P numbers are assigned to every atty, once admitted to the bar and it stays with you your entire career. It kinda tells other attorneys when you were admitted to the bar in this state. I hope I get an easy to remember number.........

Went to Uno's for lunch to celebrate my swearing in. Yay! I had this awesome shrimp and crab fondue, which I highly recommend. So freaking yummy. I want to go back again soon for that meal. The secret to fast service at Uno's is getting there right before the lunch rush. Usually the place is so slow, so we don't go for lunch.

Afterwards, worked the rest of the afternoon, then went to Michael's to get my degree framed! I got this really kewl matting, that matches the purple part of my degree, and then a really nice antique style gold frame, the same one Kurt got when he framed his 7 years ago. We will match! hehe.

Came home and bought candy or trick for treaters. We kinda live in the middle of nowhere, and have a really long driveway, so I did not expect anyone. Umm, we had all of one trick or treater. My prediction was 3.....and I won for being the closest guess in the household. Kurt predicted 25. i knew that was way off.

Anyway, time to get some stuff done before Boston Legal comes on and I get ready for bed. I am zonked.

Monday, October 30, 2006

I am Official

Had a meeting this morning at the Administration Office and I am now an official board member. Yay! Got a bunch of board documents, and had a meeting with the super and board president. I started to learn a lot, and really like the material.

After that, for some reason, I had an exhausting day. I have been so tired all day. And of course, I have to stay up and watch What About Brian. I need bed.

We tried to go to the corn maze tonight and found out it's only open on the weekend. Blah. We need to go back.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

More News

OK, I did not think anything could top getting the new position on Thursday night, but, something has!

Friday afternoon, I found out I passed the Michigan Bar Exam!! What a freaking relief. I had myself convinced that I did not pass it....but me and every other person who passed it thought the same thing. I was actually kinda surprised to get it this early....Kurt did not get his until like Oct 31 and others had to wait until November. Here's how getting the results went down.

Earlier on Friday, I got an email from my friend, Kellie. She and I went to the bar together, roomed together, etc. She had received an email from her friend, Christine, from the OCBA, saying that results had been released on Friday (that day). Then, about an hour later, Kellie emailed me back again saying that the other email was false and that all scores were NOT in yet. AHHH. The stress. So, I decided to go on the Michigan Board of Examiners website and look to see if anything as on there. Instant terror. I found an announcement that results that had been released on THURSDAY. The day before. Meaning, I could have results at home....that night. Immediate breakdown. What if I did not pass? What if I had to tell everyone I flunked? I knew I did not pass. I did horribly. So, Cassie, another friend from school, emailed me saying her Mom called and said her results were at home. An envelope. From the bar examiners. Oh No. Kurt had to leave then to go to a meeting in Toledo. I spent the rest of the day in constant thought about the possible envelope at home. Kurt called at 445 p.m. He had gotten home from his meeting.

K: The envelope is here.
L: And? Did you open it?
K: No.
L: Well, is it thick or thin?
K: Thin. (thin is good, thick is bad meaning they send another app for you to apply again).
L: OPEN IT. I cant wait until I get home.
K: I already know, Kory and I held it up to a bright light and read the results and YOU PASSED.
L: OMG, OMG. (as i literally almost faint). are you serious? Are you lying to me? Open the envelope to make sure you read correctly.
**Kurt opens envelope***
K: Yep, you passed.
L: OMG OMG OMG OMG. I can't believe it, I really thought I failed.
K: You and everybody else who takes the test.
L: Huge sigh of relief.

So, seriously, this has been one of the best weeks, best two days of my life. Passed the bar AND got onto the Board of Education. I have no idea what I did to deserve all these good things happening, but I will take them.

I can't even begin to explain how much of a relief this is for me. I have even been having a hard time sleeping, thinking about these results coming in. Which is rare for me, because I sleep through any amount of stress, so you know it was bothering me......

Next step is getting sworn in. I have to go with Kurt in front of a Judge and take an oath and have the Judge sign my Order of Admission. Then, I send in an application, the signed Order and of course, MORE money, and they send me my bar card. And then, my friends, yours truly can appear in courts and act like a lawyer.

Seriously, I don't feel like a grown up, I am shocked society is going to let me do this! But, I can't wait. :).

More on My Weekend

So, Friday night, Rebecca came over and we all went to dinner at Pete's Garage. Rebecca thought that Pete's Garage was going to be one counter that we all sat at. Umm, no. We had a table and everything, hun, Rebecca? Anyway, watched part of the pathetic Tigers game there, then came home to watch them lose. We are all losers. We were all sitting here, all on laptops. Yea. 4 laptops, one living room. I got tired around midnight, possibly from the insanity of so much news in one day, so Rebecca and Kory watched The Big Lebowski and she spent the night because it was late and raining at 2 a.m. when the movie was over...........

The next day, I ran a bunch of errands. I kinda realized that I have like no clothes to be a lawyer or a board member in. Whoops. While not wanting to jinx my bar results, I have left myself in a quandry regarding all supplies necessary to function in my new positions. So. I first went and got a mani-pedi. Those should be required to appear in court, right? HAHA. After that, went to TJ Maxx and Kohl's and got a ton of stuff for great deals. At Maxx, I bought two pairs of black dress shoes, three pairs of dress pants for days at the office (not court), and a new Nine West purse. It is red and so super cute and lawyerly. Then, at Kohl's, I bought two new suits, 4 dress shirts, a pair of brown dress shoes, a bunch of trouser socks.......I feel like I can get by with this stuff at least until I have time to outlet shop. I need to get to a Kasper outlet and some others. Need a Birch Run weekend. That night, Kurt and I went to dinner with Auntie and Carl at Quatro's, so I got to fill them in on the craziness of this week. It was really fun.

Today, I headed to Ferndale. Rebecca wanted to use me as a guinea pig in Thai massage. I really, really liked it. It was totally different than any massage I have even gotten, but in a good way. After that, we had lunch at Monterry in Royal Oak, and stopped at the Old Navy Outlet. Then I came home and grocery shopped and have been in the rest of the night.

Am tired now! Have a meeting at 9 with for the board stuff, so I need to get to bed and will write more soon!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I can't believe it. I am so psyched.

I posted previously about my interview tonight for the school board opening....And, guess who own? That would be me! I still am in shock and cannot believe it. My opponents were both really well known Monroe County people, and I can't believe I outscored them to get the job. I went in with the attitude that I would not be winning. Seriously. I just wanted to meet some people, start to learn about the area. And I won! I am so excited to start doing things in the community and learning about the school system. I go in on Monday to pick up my computer, email address, etc. and then my first meeting is next month. Sigh.

So, the details on the process, for wondering readers.....

I got there about 12 minutes early. I called my Mom on the way there so she could wish me luck...and rebecca texted me and said good luck too! :). I got there and was taken into a room with the other candidates. Two women, and one man. All three older than me (as I expected), and all really well known in the Monroe area and the school system. So, I was positive right there that I would not get the position (if I was not already positive, LOL). I was last, so after that started, I sat and chatted with everyone, trying to relax. Because I was a nervous wreck!

Finally, it was my turn. I was walked by the superintendent to the board room. I did not realize that there would be a LOT of people there! The entire board, for one. Then, the rest of the area was filled too, because people from the community go to the board meetings as well, and some teachers from the school. I shook hands with all the board members, and then sat down to be questioned. Basically, each person asked a question that was planned in advance. And the questions were HARD. I was not expecting to be asked such difficult questions, but I think my answers must have been sufficient. I was just honest and talked about what was important to me. And tried to relax. One question made me laugh almost because they asked how i would be having to give people answers that they dont want to hear, or bad news. My response was "Welcome to my Life". Meaning, being in law, this is what you do every day. I think they liked that response! ;).

After my interview, they took a break to tally the scores. Basically, each question I was asked (7 of them), I was scored on a 1-10 scale (as were the others). Whomever got the highest score got the position. So, they started by writing all the other scores. The guy got a really high score and I thought I was done. Then they wrote mine, and I beat his score! i could not believe it. I think my jaw dropped to the ground. They then did a Motion to accept me as the board member, and I was in! So, they took another break, and I talked to the Super about stopping in on Monday to pick up everything I need. And my first meeting is next month. Yay. I can't freaking wait.
Stayed for the board meeting. Everyone is so laid back, I am going to love this job, I know it. And I actually get to do something to help my community. I am so psyched.

Kurt and Kory and I went out for dinner to celebrate and have a drink and watch the Tigs. I have to say, I am so bummed that Grey's was a repeat tonight! No fair!

Oh, and Rebecca is giving me a massage as a celebratory gift. What more could a girl ask for?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

World Series Game 2

So. Kurt and I were lucky enough to go to a World Series Game on Sunday night. It was sooo kewl. and cool (cold) for that matter. In the high 30s, low 40s the whole game. And the Tigers won! We had a blast and it was so stange to be at a Detroit Tigers baseball game! So many years of crappy teams, and now this. Yay.

Go Tigers!

Click here to see pics.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Gym Stuff, Parties and Beer Pong

**Above is pic of bug found on my front screen door...
So. Today was fun. Kory and I went into town to look at gym equipment. Kory is about done with the gym downstairs, so now we need to start shopping for more equipment, as well as flooring, etc. We went to Dunham's in Taylor and found a ton of stuff for low prices, so I will most likely purchase there. We went to Meijer's after that and picked up stuff for the Sat night party. Britton and Rebecca were coming over, and I was going to learn how to play beer pong! Yay!

So, World Series party was set. We had all the liquor out on the counter, and the game on the big screen. We went to dinner first at trust Denny's. Our waiter was great, but slightly strange. He could only hear about half of everything we said. Ha. My Boca burger was quite tasty.

Went home and started drinking. I tried Diet Mountain Dew and Goldschlagger, which is quite tasty (for future reference). Yum.

Once the Tigers started losing badly, we headed to the basement for the teaching of the beer pong. Since it's a drinking game, it is not highly educational, and we caught on quickly. It was Britton and I v Kory and Rebecca. Ummm, we kicked ass. I had not had quite as much to drink, and Rebecca and Kory were pretty much gone. Hey, we had to do something to drown our sorrows after that Tigers game! Anyway, played two games and Britton and I were victorious in both.

Came back upstairs and hung out a while, then everyone went to bed. It was a great little party and an awesome night with friends!

See pics from the night by clicking here.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Dinner with Friends

**Above is pic from my back porch this weekend.......there were huge swarms of birds in our yard, it was crazy....

So, Friday night, we had dinner with our friends Cliff and Lisa. We tried this place in downtown Detroit called Oslo, which I have been wanting to try forever. It is Japanese and the food was SOOOO good. The downstairs is a club, and very kewl, but things don't really start going downstairs until a lot later than we were there.

So, it was really nice to see them. Lisa just got an interview at Wayne State for the PA program there, and she is really excited and I am really proud of her, although I knew she would get the interview. Cross your fingers for her! The program is super hard to get into, and I want her to stay in Michigan and not grace another school out of Michigan with her presence.......

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Guess who is going to see Aerosmith and has total kick ass seats? That would be me! I am the master of getting good seats. I got this email where I could get tickets before the general public with a special code, and I went on at 10 a.m. to get them......my friends Hollie and Jim are going with me, and we are in Row 11 right next to the stage.
I have not been to a concert since March, and cannot wait! Yay!
**Love in an elevator, living it up while I'm doing downnnnnnnnn.......


Is something I apparently need. Last night, I went home, and was all ready to watch Dancing with the Stars, as well as some of the Cards/Mets Baseball game. Wed is kinda a lame TV night, I have decided. From what I read online, nobody was eliminated on DWTS, so I am kinda glad I tuned out. Hello? Elimination shows mean someone gets eliminated.......

Anyway. Fell asleep on the couch before 8 p.m. even hit. And did not wake up again until about inning 8 of the baseball game. So, I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner and watched the rest of the game, then went to bed. And woke up STILL tired this morning. Woke has been insane lately. For whatever reason, we are slammed, and I am exhausted at the end of the day from talking on the phone and multi-tasking, which I have decided I am the Queen of. What a feat for my mother to be proud of, LOL. Lori, her amazing multi-tasking daughter......

Anyway, gotta get back to work, but wanted to post since I fell asleep last night and did not do so......

The picture above is a shot of Guillen, almost dropping a catch because of the wind. I loved hot the ball was still moving at the time I took the shot.....

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

One More

Another one of my pics was put in an online paper. Click here to see it.

Also, I faxed in my application for the school board to the Board President about an hour ago. Cross your fingers for me! :).

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


So....I am doing something totally different, at least for me, tomorrow.

I really want to get involved in the local community, in a political kinda way. In specific, I really want to get involved with the local schools. Kurt and I fund a scholarship at the local high school, but I want to get more personally involved. I kinda know the counselor at the school through our scholarship, so I called him and asked what I needed to do to get on the school board. He told me they are elected positions, that the elections are not until next year, etc. He gave me a contact number to the super's secretary.

Then, late last week, he called again to tell me there was an opening. Apparently, someone quit or moved or something, and there is an opening that does not require running in an election. I have to submit information regarding myself by tomorrow at 3. So, i typed something up, and plan to fax it over tomorrow. Interviews (if called) are next week.
Wish me luck!

**Really, I am not expecting much from this. I am young, and not experienced at being on a school board. I figure, at the least, I will make some contacts and maybe friends, so if I want to pursue something in the future, this will show my interest and get my name known.

More Picture Fun

So. A couple more of my pictures appeared in online blogs and the newspaper.

Click here to see the one of me and Kurt that appeared in the Detroit Free Press. The Press asked for submissions of fans celebrating the Tigs win, and I submitted one, which was chosen.

Next, one of my pics was found on Flickr and put in an online Michigan blog. It is the photo found here, of Magglio (our hero for hitting that walk off homerun).

More later........Bed time now. Hugs! ;).

Saturday Game

So. Saturday's game was the best game of my life.

Tigers were down a lot of the game. Then suddenly, they started coming back. And then, in the bottom of the ninth, Magglio hit a walk off homerun. Words cannot describe how I felt, and Kurt was beyond excited. Literally everyone around me was so emotional and many were crying....For those of you who "hate" or "dislike" sports, I know you don't understand. But for those of us who have been waiting since 1984 for this to happen again, you get me. Wow.

On to the World Series. Go Tigers!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of the World Series, we have tickets to Game 2, but none of the others thus far. We would be happy with attending just one game, but if tickets happen to pop up, I may buy some to Games 1, 6 or 7. I am not going to remortgage my house to do so though, LOL. Tickets are going for up to $11000 a piece for the best seats. Ummm, craziness?

Click here to see all the pics from the game.

Reverse in the Crosswalk

I should not wait so long to post, as so much happens and I don't remember it all to type......

Friday night. Tigers v A's, Game Three. We had tickets. Awesome game. Friday the 13th. Prevous post told you about why the day was lucky for me....let me outline why it's NOT lucky for Kurt. We were walking to the game, and across a crosswalk right next to the stadium. We were running late, so nobody was really around except some scalpers, some cops and some cars driving. As we walked across the street and were almost to the next sidewalk, a van suddenly backed up and almost hit me AND Kurt. I screamed and jumped out of the way. Before Kurt could even react, the van hit him. He flew about 5 feet....I freaked. He did not fall or anything, but he was in obvious pain. The guystops his van and jumps out asking "are you alright?" Kurt and I both start yelling at the guy.....I start crying because I am terrified Kurt is hurt. Two cops run up, asking what had happened. Kurt says "he hit me with his van". Basically, long story short, Kurt is fine. His back hurt some, and he has a large bruise on his arm....We were running late, so Kurt was like, "Screw it, I am not going to pursue this anymore." We were both SOO mad. He could have run both of us over. I am now wondering if the guy was drunk or something. Rest of the night was lucky though, since the Tigs won!

The game was funny too. We were sitting by this fun couple, younger than us, probably in their early 20s I would guess. Anyway, she had a nice camera too, so we were talking about photography, yada yada. Toward the end of the game, they ended up having to stand because the people in front of them were standing. They could not see. The people behind them (who were complete and total white trash) started yelling and swearing at THEM because of the standing. Girl turns around the tells them, "Look, we have to stand or we can't see." White trash people start threatening to throw beer and start fights. Pathetic. Finally, next inning, everyone decided to stand up to get those stupid people to shut up. Which they finally did, but not before really annoying the peeps next to us. OK, people. It's a PLAYOFF game. People are going to stand, and have the right to. DEAL WITH IT.

Oh, other game facts. It was an average of only 45 degrees. So I wore a winter coat, winter hat, even GLOVES. How strange.

Here is the link to my pics from that game, click here.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Me, going out during the week, causes me to be tired at work the entire next day. Ugh.

Went to a show last night in Ann Arbor with my friend, Nancy. The show was called The Pajama Game, and was at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The show was funny, the music was great.........The theatre was nice too. I had never been there before, and all the seats in the place seemed good. We were at the back of the main floor, and I could see everything and hear everything perfectly. And, the seats were only $16.00! Which is awesome. Had dinner at Bennigan's before the show and I was psyched to find out that they now have a black bean burger...I know this is not exciting to the general population, but to me, being a vegetarian, I am always psyched to see restaurants starting to cater towards people other than the meat-eating crowd.......

OK. The kewlest thing just happened to me this morning. I got a thing in the mail saying I had a certified letter at the post office, from the state of TN. I immediately was nervous, because who gets certified letters from states other than that they live in? Kurt says "Lori, you have never done anything wrong in your life, just go pick it up." So, finally, this morning, I did. Kory was in the car and was like "WHAT IS IT?" So, I opened it. And.....it was a letter from the state of TN. Long story short, I bought a luxury sink for the bathroom upstairs on eBay for $400.00 a while back. It came, and it was missing parts. It also took about 3 months to be delivered. I called, emailed, wrote the guy and he would not contact me back. So, Kurt just went to Lowe's and bought the extra parts, no big deal, just a waste of my time and money. The parts were under $30.00. Anyway, being me, I complained to the state of TN, the federal Internet board, yada yada. Anyone and everyone I could. Looks like it paid off! The state of TN ended up suing the guy criminally, and reached a settlement. I got a check in the envelope for $400.00, which is what I paid for the sink to begin with! So, I have this sink in my bathroom, that retails for like $1500.00+ and I got it for free!

Thus, I say, Friday the 13th is now officially LUCKY for me! :).

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Midori and 7-Up Kinda Night

Forgot to post earlier.....One of the pics I posted on Flickr of the Tigers play-off games, was chosen and used by an online blog. Check it out by clicking here.......It is the one of the Tiger on the scoreboard, :). Yay.

Am sitting here right now watching the Tigers game with Kurt, Kory and the array of pets in the house. Oscar is sitting right next to me, half asleep, half chewing a bone. The pugs love nighttime on the couch......

I just made myself a drink. I never have a drink in the middle of the week, but I am doing it. Midori and Diet 7-Up. Yum. And the drink is so pretty and green.

I swear, lately at the office, the weirdos are coming out of the woodwork. Today, we had a client who was actually, and sincerely, angry that Kurt would not give him his personal cell phone number. He had an incident the other morning at 5:30 a.m., and wanted to call "his lawyer" to ask him a "question." And he fired us because of it, LOL. We already did all the work on his case, so he is not due a refund, so whatever. I swear though. This is family law. There is no need to give out our cell phones to anyone and I REFUSE. The office makes me crazy enough. And I do not make enough money to be forced to be on the phone all night with clients. And even if we gave it out for emergencies only, EVERYONE would abuse it. The problem with family law is that people think the smallest, most trivial things are emergencies. "OH MY GOD, he took my daughter to Ohio today to the zoo....He left the state....Is that legal?" AHHHHHHHH. So, can you call my cell phone? NO. Call me at the office and drive me nuts. But, you are not going to ruin the rest of my life and free time. We kinda knew going into this case that it would be a problem. The guy has already gone through several lawyers.......I guess another one bites the dust. Ha. The whole story just cracked me up. Some people, you just can't make them happy no matter what.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ordered to Post

So, one of my peeps gently reminded me (OK, she ordered me) to update my blog. I have been tired at night and busy with other stuff and have not gotten around to it since yesterday afternoon.

So, Saturday, late afternoon. Start of the best baseball game I have EVER attended in my life. Tigers won the series and moved on to the next round. It was a gorgeous day, and I, as usual, took a ton of pics, which you can see by clicking here. The Tigers pretty much kicked the Yankees butts........And the celebration afterwards was hilarious. Loved it. The players all celebrated ON THE FIELD, sprayed champagne everywhere..........carried Leyland off the field. Awesome. Beyond words.

After the game, we went to the office to meet up with Rebecca, Kory, and Britton. We went to dinner and then bowling in Taylor at Skore Lanes. Ummm, pretty much the most fun I have ever had bowling in my life, but mostly because of the people I was with. And the amount of alcohol that was consumed. I rarely drink, but I had a little bit too much that night, which is evidenced by the pictures I took, which can be evidenced by clicking here. I had my first Jaeger shots. Not as bad as I thought......

Sunday, I was going to go out and take pics, but the weekend kinda wore me out, so I started in most of the day. Tried to do some stuff around the house, but mostly ended up chilling and editing my pics from the weekend on my computer.

Then, back to work on Monday. We laid one of our assistants off on Friday, so my workload has increased somewhat, but not much. Mostly, just enough to make me not use the net as much on breaks, ;). And take less breaks. hehe.

Tonight, had dinner with Julia and Lisa at Roma Cafe. It was really yummy, but even nicer to see Julia and Lisa. I have not seen Lisa in like forever! Julia, I have been seeing less of because she is back in class again and busy, but we will change that once she gets back from vacay this weekend. I will force her to introduce me to her new man!

Saturday, October 07, 2006



Had the best time ever last night.

Kurt has lost his voice. I don't think he quit screaming from the start until the end of the game. I am thankful we were not sitting near any Yankees fans or near the Yankees dugout, because Kurt may seriously not be alive today. Some statements that came from his mouth last night...."Giambi, go take some more STEROIDS, maybe you could get a hit then!", and "A-Rod, really means K-ROD because you can only STRIKE OUT. Glad the Yanks paid 26 Million a year for you and you can't even get a HIT in the playoffs. U suck..." OK. At least he amused the people around us. Because he follows the sport so closely, he really knows a lot about the players and had SOMETHING negative to say about each and every Yankee. Truly.

Kurt drank two beers at the game. The kid sitting next to him informed me this is really FOUR beers, because they are bigger. This may have been the cause of some of the above statements. Heh. Especially since Kurt rarely drinks and never does at games.

The game was incredible. The Tigers played amazing, and the Yankees absolutely sucked, which is always so enjoyable to witness. All that money spent, and they can't beat our supposedly "crappy" team. Sad.

I took a ton of pics, but will not post until later, as I have not had time to download yet....

And, need to get off here and ready because the next game is at 430! Will post more later......


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Still in Shock

Yes, I said it. I am still in shock about the Tigers being in the playoffs. I have followed them for SOO long and they have pretty much never been good. Long ago, when they were good, I was a little kid and don't even really remember it. So, this is pretty kewl! AND, we have tickets to both the game tomorrow night AND the game on Saturday afternoon. Plus, if they win this series, I already have tickets to the first game of the next series. This seriously is like the most exciting sports event ever to Kurt. I asked him what was more exciting, being at the game when the Pistons won it all a couple years back or this, and he really said this. It's so cute. I will be taking my camera, so hopefully, I get a lot of good shots.

Anyway, gotta run. Need to get to bed. Oh, and by the way, Vito says hi. ;).

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Almost Done

So...Kory had been working on the gym in the basement and it is getting SOO close to being done. Close enough where I am thinking about starting to shop for stuff for it and find the best prices....We already have a treadmill and a bike, but we need to get weights and some machines for Kurt and Kory. And I would like to get a kickboxing bag. Kory put the doors up today, which we had custom made at Lowe's a while back this summer. They look so freaking kewl. I really should get a pic and post on here, but am too tired right now....

So, bummer the Tigers lost last night......:(. And annoying the game got cancelled tonight! We can't watch during the day, and that's when the make-up game is, tomorrow afternoon. Blah on rain. I guess it's raining everywhere these days.....

You know what's kinda annoying? People. I got an email tonight from a friend who needed to vent. And today, I was actually kinda feeling the way she was in her vent. I try not to let myself feel that way, because I have a new way of approaching life and friends these days. And for the most part, it works. So many of my friends have kids, careers, etc. and I understand why we don't talk all the time, or get to do dinner on a regular basis. This is fine, because I am insanely busy as well. And I know my real friends are there for me no matter what, and if I really needed them, they would drop everything to be by my side.

But, this approach I have, only works with people who are similar to me, who know how to communicate, who are not challenged with having relationships with others. Nothing annoys me more than soemone who "fakes" being your friend, for whatever reason. Who is there one minute, gone the next, and thinks they can just float back into your life whenever their other friends are not behaving properly, or they get sick of the other friends becasue their personality is so erratic they can only get along with someone for short periods of time before getting sick of them.

It annoys me, but at the same time, since I don't trust people like this whatsoever, I don't get all heartbroken about it. I just need to teach myself how to ignore this "annoyed" feeling, because frankly, I think "friends" like this actually "enjoy" my being annoyed. I don't express the feeling to them, but I think they secretly like the fact that they may be hurting my feelings or whatever. Thankfully, this person does not read my blog and thus, I can still post about this situation.

Anyway, enough with the vent. Just wanted the person who sent me the email earlier to know that I get how you feel. And even though I know I have moved past the feelings you are feeling in your email, I still sometimes feel that way. :).

Monday, October 02, 2006


So, can only post really briefly since I am working.

But, had a nice weekend. Saturday, it rained on and off, so I ran some errands. Then, it cleared up a bit, so I took a 3 mile hike at Sterling State Park (right by my house) and took a bunch of pics. Saturday night, we went to dinner at an Italian/French place near our house, and it was really good. We had gone there once about 3.5 years ago, and hated it. But, we decided to try it again and this time, it was really good. So, maybe the place will no longer be banned. On the way home, we stopped at the local liquor store and I finally found Midori in a store! I was so psyched. And it looks so kewl in the bottle, all green. Of course, have I opened it yet? No. Prob won't for a while, and the bottle will most likely last me 10 years....but, I wanted it around in case I ever want a drink on a weekend night. Which is rare. Anyway, for those of you who don't like the taste of alcohol, but like a drink sometimes, Midori is awesome, either in Sprite or Red Bull. Yum.

Sunday was a nice day. I wanted to head to the Detroit zoo to take pics, and planned on going alone because Rebecca had class and she is my zoo partner in crime. well, Marla called me, wanting to get together so I could see her and the kids, so she ended up meeting me at the zoo and we had a blast. Maya is getting so big, and Bodie is hilarious. He loved all the animals, and he and I said "hi" and "Bye" to each creature. My favorite this trip was the butterfly house, it was incredible. I also love the tigers and the lion and they were both out as well. The polar bears were nowhere to be found though, I only saw one. Which was a bummer, but seeing the Wolverine made up for it. I don't think the wolverine has ever been out during my zoo outings and I got a good picture of him. Anyway, click here to see pictures of Bodie and Maya at the zoo. Also, my other pics from the zoo are the most recently uploaded on Flickr, which you can click here to see.
I will try and post more tonight, and post some pics into this post as well. Too busy right now.....