So, once you pass the bar exam, there are still steps that need to be taken before you can practice law or appear in court. Of course. It seems never ending.....
Anyway. The next step is being sworn in by the courts. This must be done at the Circuit Courts. The bar sets up "mass swearing ins", but the first one is not until November 9, and I did not want to wait that long. So, you can have an atty do the swearing in for you as your sponsor. So, today, Kurt did my and Kellie's swearing in ceremonies in front of Judge Halloran. We went to the courtroom around 1030 a.m. and had to read this little card, swearing to be truthful, honest, etc. Then, the Order for Admission was signed! One would think this would be it. No. Next, I had to fill out a membership application, and send in that, the Order for Admission and a check for $315 (always more money) to the State Bar. Next, I will receive my bar card in the mail and then, and only then, can I appear as an atty in court. Phew. When you are SO CLOSE like I am, these extra steps are so exasperating. So, it will be interesting to see what my "P" number is. P numbers are assigned to every atty, once admitted to the bar and it stays with you your entire career. It kinda tells other attorneys when you were admitted to the bar in this state. I hope I get an easy to remember number.........
Went to Uno's for lunch to celebrate my swearing in. Yay! I had this awesome shrimp and crab fondue, which I highly recommend. So freaking yummy. I want to go back again soon for that meal. The secret to fast service at Uno's is getting there right before the lunch rush. Usually the place is so slow, so we don't go for lunch.
Afterwards, worked the rest of the afternoon, then went to Michael's to get my degree framed! I got this really kewl matting, that matches the purple part of my degree, and then a really nice antique style gold frame, the same one Kurt got when he framed his 7 years ago. We will match! hehe.
Came home and bought candy or trick for treaters. We kinda live in the middle of nowhere, and have a really long driveway, so I did not expect anyone. Umm, we had all of one trick or treater. My prediction was 3.....and I won for being the closest guess in the household. Kurt predicted 25. i knew that was way off.

Anyway, time to get some stuff done before Boston Legal comes on and I get ready for bed. I am zonked.
Anyway. The next step is being sworn in by the courts. This must be done at the Circuit Courts. The bar sets up "mass swearing ins", but the first one is not until November 9, and I did not want to wait that long. So, you can have an atty do the swearing in for you as your sponsor. So, today, Kurt did my and Kellie's swearing in ceremonies in front of Judge Halloran. We went to the courtroom around 1030 a.m. and had to read this little card, swearing to be truthful, honest, etc. Then, the Order for Admission was signed! One would think this would be it. No. Next, I had to fill out a membership application, and send in that, the Order for Admission and a check for $315 (always more money) to the State Bar. Next, I will receive my bar card in the mail and then, and only then, can I appear as an atty in court. Phew. When you are SO CLOSE like I am, these extra steps are so exasperating. So, it will be interesting to see what my "P" number is. P numbers are assigned to every atty, once admitted to the bar and it stays with you your entire career. It kinda tells other attorneys when you were admitted to the bar in this state. I hope I get an easy to remember number.........
Went to Uno's for lunch to celebrate my swearing in. Yay! I had this awesome shrimp and crab fondue, which I highly recommend. So freaking yummy. I want to go back again soon for that meal. The secret to fast service at Uno's is getting there right before the lunch rush. Usually the place is so slow, so we don't go for lunch.
Afterwards, worked the rest of the afternoon, then went to Michael's to get my degree framed! I got this really kewl matting, that matches the purple part of my degree, and then a really nice antique style gold frame, the same one Kurt got when he framed his 7 years ago. We will match! hehe.
Came home and bought candy or trick for treaters. We kinda live in the middle of nowhere, and have a really long driveway, so I did not expect anyone. Umm, we had all of one trick or treater. My prediction was 3.....and I won for being the closest guess in the household. Kurt predicted 25. i knew that was way off.

Anyway, time to get some stuff done before Boston Legal comes on and I get ready for bed. I am zonked.