So. Hope everyone had a nice 4th. Mine was awesome, relaxing, and I could not have asked to have spent it with a better friend....:). Pic above is of me and Rebecca, drinking, at a BBQ in Kaleva. Rebecca rarely sees me drink ANY alcohol, so this was a memorable night. We bought stuff before thee BBQ, me choosing Smirnoff Wild Grape, and her a really yummy berry beer. I drank three, which is almost record breaking for me. LOL. My mom was the DD, so I felt safe drinking. Thanks Mom!

So, Rebecca and I left for
Manistee at around 1015 or so on Thursday. The trip is around 4 hours
from her house, after my
drive to her house which is like 50 minutes with the construction going on in Detroit. The drive was super fun, we talked, gossiped and listened to
XM Radio (mostly the 80s and 90s stations). Got there, and stopped into
House of Flavors, which is where my Mom works. We decided to have lunch, and ate with my Mom's friends,
Fred and Bill. I had a super good tuna roll up, and rebecca had a turkey sandwich. After that, drove her around to see the beaches while we waited for my Mom to get off of work. Picked her and her friend Jane up after work to have a drink at
TJs in downtown Manistee, then headed home. That night was the fireworks, so we played some
Rock Band then headed to the fireworks at the beer tent. The sunset was gorgeous that night, so we got some shots of that and then watched the show. Fred invited us all to his house for a BBQ the next night, and we played
Rock Band until like 230 in the morning.

Day two was the 4th. We went to the art fair at the beach, then randomly shopped in downtown Manistee, which was fun. I bought this adorable little bird figurine for my sun room, and a pair of Croc flip flops. I hate regular Crocs, but the
flip flops? To die for. So comfy and cute on top of that. Highly recommend. Went to the grocery store after that to pick up BBQ supplies, then headed to Fred's for the party. There was a ton of food, all really good. The corn may have been the best I ever had. So good. I had BBQed salmon, some macaroni salad, corn, veggies, YUM. Then we had smores, which rocked. Got eaten ALIVE by mosquitos, but a good time anyway, hehe. Oh, this was the day Rebecca fell in love as well. We were driving by this abandoned hospital and saw the cops there, which was weird. JUST as we pulled up, we saw one of the cops pulling a gun out, which is RARE for Manistee. don't know what happened, but when I took a pic, and Rebecca looked at it, she was like "that cop is HOT!" From then on, we saw this guy everywhere. Like 3 times a day. She will marry him someday, I know. Oh, Rebecca also rode a motorcycle for the first time at Fred's. She liked it! ;).
Third day, we got up, had breakfast, then headed to the beach for the flea market, went shopping at some other stores in town, chilled at the house, and then headed to dinner at Big Al's, which I had to take Rebecca too. Big Al's is literally, the best pizza and breadsticks ever. Yum. Rebecca, my Mom and I split a small Chicago style pizza and breadsticks. So good. Went to the beer tent after that, where there were bands playing and lots of people and alcohol. Sat and listened to music and hung out, saw some people I knew in high school, but it is SO crowded there, and I did not feel like walking around and finding a ton of people. Left there and went straight to bed....

Next morning, we had breakfast with my Mom, and stopped at House of Flavors on the way out of town so Rebecca could try their ice cream. OK, still the best ice cream ever. I had one scoop split into two--one peanut butter cup and other half cookie dodugh. So good. We drove home after that, listening to this XM Radio rock legends countdown that was awesome.

Overall, the trip was incredibly relaxing. I loved it. I rarely have four days like that when I have no plans, nothing I *have* to do, I can just aimlessly wander and shop.......Can't wait for my next girls' only trip! :).

Rest of the pics from the trip can be seen by clicking here! Enjoy! :).