Blog that contains the travels, life adventures, and thoughts of us!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Do I Exist?
Apparently, I don't, and the governement has made me up to scare the American people about international travel.
I think all I can say is "wow".
name: BJORKMAN Anders
home phone: +334 93784590
cell phone: +33661725424
preffered contact: cell
preferred contact: e-mail
county: Alpes Maritime, France, Europe
additional info: Hello,
it seems some people do not believe you exist;
Pls, confirm that you exist.
kind regards
Anders Bj�rkman,
Dear Lori and Kurt Haskell,
RE: Case Number 8049355
On behalf of Delta Air Lines, I want to take this opportunity to express
our concern for the inconvenience (I like how they call this an inconvenience, like there was some minor turbulence or something) you experienced when there was a
disturbance (how about, he tried to blow up my plane and there was fire going up the wall) by another passenger (terrorist) as you approached Detroit on Flight
I understand how unsettling this event must have been for you. As you
are aware, the passenger was subdued and was taken into custody by law
enforcement authorities. Delta Air Lines will be fully cooperating with
the law enforcement officials who are leading the investigation.
As a gesture of goodwill, we are providing you with an electronic credit
voucher for $250.00. The voucher can be applied to a future ticket
purchase. The terms and conditions will arrive under a separate cover.
We pledge to you that we are dedicated to providing safe transportation,
and we hope you will provide us an opportunity to serve your air travel
needs again soon. Thank you for your understanding and for flying
Delta Air Lines.
Elizabeth Reed
General Manager, Customer Care
Northwest/KLM/Delta Air Lines
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Safe and Sound
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Product Review
The product is a dog snack called Purina Busy Rollhides. The pugs, and Whiskey, loved this snack. they all spent a lot of time eating it and enjoying it, and the pugs are VERY picky about non-soft treats.
I highly recommend this for your dogs.
Got two packages at the office this week, one, my Tilley hat and the other, my clothes from Ex Officio. Kurt has already stolen the Tilley hat. The guy who did not want a safari hat steals the first one that comes in the mail. haha. I love the hat from Ex Officio, and most of the clothes. One pair of pants, for some reason, is HUGE, so I need to send those back, but I like the capri pants and shorts. So yay for things to wear on vacay. Kurt has been wearing the Tilley hat around the house, he is such a dork.
I am finally getting excited about vacation. Have not thought about it at all until now. I try not to until right beforehand because then I have a hard time concentrating at work, but since we leave late Friday, I think I can start. Not looking forward to the 21 hour flight, but am SOOO looking forward to all the animals, new experiences, and time off ot work, which is much needed.
We worked all day yesterday and part of today and I can actually see my desk again! Whoot! i want it totally cleared before we leave because I know it will be covered in stuff by the time I get back.
I ran some errands after work today, the place we booked our safari thru sent us a list of things we may want for the trip, and a lot of it, we do not have. I went to Cabela's and bought Kurt some lightweight hiking pants, and myself a pair as well. Weirdly, one of the pairs does not fit Kurt right, and another pair, I grabbed the wrong size somehow. One pair thankfully fits perfect. I think the hanger said one thing and the pants said another. Sigh. Also bought a high power small flashlight, as well as another pair of binoculars. We have one pair, but i think for this trip we may want two. Stopped at Kohl's (Rebecca's most recent post reminded me I needed to use my Kohl's cash) and got a pair of pants for the trip for a grand total of $7 after the Kohl's cash and my discount. The guy at the register was so nice. I forgot my coupon, but he gave me my 15% off anyway. Oh, and the guy at Cabela's?? He gave me 10% off the binoculars because it was the last pair! Everyone is so in the holiday spirit. ;). and OMG, Cabela's is insanely busy! You would never guess the MI economy is depressed going to that store. Pure insanity!
I have a confession. I am addicted to Season One of 90210, and not the old show (although I love that one too). The new one! Never thought I would like it, but it is a good show! Nowhere close to the original, of course, but good just the same! I heart mindless TV.
Anyway, work has been insane, so not much else to post about.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving and the Rest of the Week
I bought a humidifier for our bedroom. This time of year, I start waking up in the middle of the night, really thirsty. Like my throat is insanely dry. Bought this one at Target. It says you only have to put water in every 36 hours. I think that's only if it's on low, as I had to put in water after about 24 hours (on high). Which is fine. So far, I really like it, and, it is not as ugly as your normal humidifier. Since this post is so old, I have now been using the humidifier for like a week and I really like it. I am not waking up in the middle of the night desperate for water. Whoot!
Work has been crazy busy with expansion stuff as well as every day stuff. I went in today and worked part of the day myself. I filed 9 bankruptcies and some other bankruptcy docs, then stopped and went to the mall to stop at a few stores. I love being at the office when the phone is not ringing off the hook and nobody is stopping in. SOOOO productive for paperwork. While I was there, Kurt was working on our bedroom. We bought paint this morning, as well as new covers for the light switches and outlets (silver), and two new lights for the room. I need to search online for a new ceiling fan. I personally do not want to put another ceiling fan up. I want to just put lights up and be done, but Kurt wants a fan. I am going to look for something smaller, because we do not have really high ceilings in our room. Anyway, the paint looks awesome. I love it. Our room is like a mini-spa now or something. :). We bought a flat screen TV on Black Friday for the room, and hung that as well. It is nice to be able to turn the TV on in the morning and sit there until we fully wake up. Also, it will be nice for those late night games Kurt watches, he can watch from bed and I can sleep! Whoot!
Speaking of Black Friday, we actually wandered out on that day, which Kurt never does and I rarely do. We found a new winter coat for Kurt at Macy's. He cannot find his mid-length coat from last year that I bought him. Please explain to me how someone LOSES a winter coat, LOL. I am sure it will turn up. They are both nice wool coats, so he will just have two. My opinion is, you can never have too many classic coats! OK, maybe that is just a sign I am addicted to coats. In MI, I at least get wear out of all of them. We also got Kurt two new baseball hats at Lids, and looked at cameras at Best Buy (did not buy anything, they are overpriced there). I am really wanting the Canon 50D, however, I am having a hard time justifying buying it since the camera I have is perfectly fine.
Speaking of coats, I finally found a black coat that will work for over my suits!!! I found it at Kohl's, while shopping with Rebecca. Then, my addict self went to Macy's today, as I had a $10 coupon off and found an amazing deal on this coat....I have been wanting a green coat for like two years, and could never find one I really liked on. I generally do not like this short of a coat, but this one is really cute.
Saturday late afternoon, I headed to Clawson to see Rebecca. We headed to a couple stores before having dinner with Lauren and Sarah. Stopped at Kohl's, where Rebecca picked up some things she needed. I bought a really cute winter hat (that Kurt hates and I have no idea why) and some freezer storage things that I have been wanting to pick up. I have been making "extra" of a lot of my meals lately, and storing them, but have nothing really good to store the stuff in. We then went to DSW and I bought a pair of cute work heels that are similar to these. Two pairs of my black heels are about falling apart and I need to replace them, even though I am attached........Both pairs are super comfy and cute, and I will only get rid of them when I have to. Went with Rebecca, Lauren and Sarah to dinner, which was super fun, then hung out some at rebecca's afterwards.
So, Thanksgiving, Kurt and I stayed home and had my Dad over (we are doing a bigger family thing tomorrow). I made my Dad steak (ended up buying a New York Strip), made Kurt and I grilled tuna, and made scalloped potatoes, homemade mac and cheese, and made up fruit/veggie trays and a cheese/cracker tray (it was fun making the veggie trays, as I only used stuff I knew my Dad and Kurt liked, so it was a little different than your normal tray, LOL, mostly contained cucumers, radishes, broccoli, apples, strawberries). Also, made a chocolate cream pie for dessert, as it is like the only dessert my Dad likes (pie). I used a graham cracker crust, and my Dad just raved about it, so I guess the recipe gets a thumbs up! We basically sat around watching football, playing cards, and Kurt had a few too many rum and cokes. Whoopsie! :). It was a great laid-back Thanksgiving.
We are getting soooo close to our trip! Kurt had to start taking his Malaria meds tonight! (we take different scrips as the one I take bothers Kurt's stomach). The one Kurt is on now "may cause vivid nightmares", so that will be interesting since Kurt rarely even remembers his dreams, or even has them. I dont have to start taking mine until the day before we get there.
Oscar has been acting weirdly the past couple days. We are thinking he may have arthritis, but I think he is kinda young for that, since he is only 6 (almost 7). He may have just hurt his leg. He was walking around last night, acting like he was hurting and would not even jump on the bed, but then today, he seemed better. We hate taking them to the emergency vet, so I will make an appointment on monday for him at the regular vet.
So, the other day, I ordered some clothes from a new website, for our trip. Hope they fit OK. I just wanted some clothing better suited for the safari then I have, and I found a coupon for this site, and everything I bought was on clearance (pretty much). I also had been wanting a hat for the trip, as the sun in Africa is supposedly really harsh. So, I found this site, ExOfficio, and the stuff seems pretty high quality (anyone ever use this site??). I bought all capris and shorts (I have a lot of t-shirts and tanks already I can take with me on the trip. Just looked on FedEx and I should have it all Monday (looks like they tried to deliver Friday and Saturday and we were not there). I got these shorts, these capris, these capris, and this hat. Got another pair of shorts too that I guess are now not available. also bought this hat on eBay (have not yet received it either, but they said they shipped it).
Anyway, I am super tired, so I am going to close here. Hope everyone had a really nice holiday, and if you shopped, got some great deals!!!! :).
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Even though I may be doing some paperwork this weekend, I am thankful for some time off of work!
I have a lot to be thankful for this year, however, I do not have right now to blog. I will try to do so later.
Go Lions! (in my Lori dream land, they will win!)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Steak Question
Thanks in advance for answering my odd question.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Honestly....from Rebecca

I was given this award by Rebecca! :). Thus, I am following the rules and participating.
Rules: Thank the person who gave you the award and link to their blog. Share 10 honest things about yourself. Present this award to 7 other whose blogs you find brilliant in design or content.
Thanks, Rebecca!!! Love getting these little awards. Super fun. Hmmmmmm, 10 honest things about myself. I am going to try and think of new things that you all don't already know, but that might be kinda hard. Here goes......
1. I honestly was terrified of animals until I was about 8 years old or so. I would literally scream if a cat or dog came near me, and would become hysterical. For no reason at all. I had never been bit, nothing. My Mom got a puppy for us around that time and since then, I have been a total animal lover, to the point now that I don't eat meat because i don't want to think I contributed to the death of an animal. Quite the jump there......
2. As a kid, we honestly NEVER travelled. We mostly went to Glennie, MI, to the family cabin (which I loved, don't get me wrong, but it was still just MI). We also went to Niagara Falls once. That was it. I think that is the reason I am obsessed with travelling now, I never really got to experience it as a kid.
3. Until about 6th grade, I honestly was the most shy kid around. I barely talked to anyone unless I really, really knew them. My teachers would tell me Mom that I was really smart (I was even in the gifted and talented program), but they were concerned about my lack of participation and socialization. i actually really did not even talk until I was about 4 years old. This is funny to me now, because now, I will almost talk to anyone and would not consider myself shy at all really. However, when I am in situations where I do not know anyone, I do tend to be kinda shy and aloof.
4. I honestly will do and try almost anything. I think I terrify Kurt sometimes because I don't even think before volunteering to do something crazy. Who would like to jump off the boat first? Me! Who wants to hold the snake? Me! Who wants to walk across the shaky scary brige? Me. Who wants to swim with sharks? Me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE an adrenaline rush, and I love having stories to tell my friends and family. I don't even think before I do these things, and afterwards, I am like WHAT THE HELL was I thinking? Like the swimming with 8 sharks in Galapagos? I still shudder about that, but I was all about it while I was there. LOL.
5. I honestly was obsessed with reading as a kid, to the point where I won awards for the amount of books I read in elementary school. In 3rd grade, I was reading at an 11th grade level. Now, I probably, because of time, read maybe like 5 books a year. I think I really, thru all my schooling and such, just grew tired of it. I also have no interest now in reading anything intellectual.
6. I honestly could care less if I ever had an alcoholic drink again. For some reason, I have zero interest in drinking alcohol. I still have the every now and then drink, and I love doing shots with rebecca, but I truly could take it or leave it. I think some people think I am boring because I don't drink, and I dont really care. I have fun without it.
7. I honestly have never smoked a cigaratte, and have never done an illegal drug. But, if being around others smoking pot changes that, then I am guilty. haha. Hey, i went to Ferris for a year.
8. I honestly do not like hockey. Living in MI, this is pretty much a sin. I have no interest whatsoever in the sport, and I actuallly kinda do not like the Red Wings, because they remind me of the Yankees, meaning they are the team with the most money, so they always win. I hate those kinda teams.
9. I honestly bargain shop for EVERYTHING and use coupons anywhere I can. However, i will never bargain shop for hair salons and firmly believe that a $10 haircut is not going to be as good as a $50 one, unless I know the stylist and she is giving me a discount. it's the one thing I will never scrimp on and I dont care if I sound snobby saying that.
10. I honestly am sick of politics and politicians. I no longer consider myself a political party, and do not even like to talk politics anymore. I think they are all liars, and I hate the "politics" behind it all.
So, that's it. I think most people have already been awarded this award, so if you have not, and you read my blog, please fill it out on your blog! Hugs.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, we did a lot of stuff around the house, me--cleaning and laundry, Kurt--working on tile in one of the downstairs bathrooms. That night, Val, Larry, Val's boyfriend Dan, and Larry's friend Mike, came over to go to dinner. We have not seen Larry in forEVER, and he seemed so TALL. I think he is like 6'3 now. He wants to go to law school and will prob start in Fall 2011. His friend, Mike, is in law school now, and really wanted to ask Kurt and I questions about having our own firm and stuff like that. He is only 22, married, has a 3 year old and is in law school. It's pretty incredible how much he has accomplished so far. Anyway, dinner was really good and it was a really fun night.
Today, we chilled at home again. I did some grocery shopping (and saved $47 with coupons, whoot), and Kurt and I ran some errands at Lowe's and Petsmart. Bought Gretel two new sweaters. She looks adorable. Kurt did some more tile work in the basement and we shopped for tile for the other basement bathroom. We also stopped and looked at kitchen stuff and I found an awesome cabinet set I really liked. I cannot wait unti we redo the kitchen someday.
The black coat I ordered from Ideeli was delivered this week, and the watch. The coat was cute, but not exactly what I want, so I sent it back. It was kinda more fitted than I wanted. I need something that is kinda baggy to wear over suits at work. The watch though, I love. I need to take it in to get links taken out, but it is really cute.
Oh, and the ring I ordered that was too big when it came? The right size was delivered this week! Super yay. I love it. Made two recipes for dinner tonight from my Kraft magazine. The first, a peanut butter cup pie, and the second, a cheese-lover's pasta roll-ups. Both were super yummy and I highly recommend. The pie is really rich though, so I suggest small slices when eating. With the rollups, I made the whole recipe, but I froze most of it. I would much rather warm that up for kurty than storebought stuff.
Finally took a pic of the ceiling fans we bought, here is a close up of one of them (there are two, right next to one another, on the ceiling in the great room):
Anyway, hope everyone has been doing well. I cannot believe it is almost Thanksgiving. Trying to decide what I want to do for that holiday this year. :).
From Rach
1. Respond and rework: Answer the questions on your blog. Replace one question with a question of your own or add a question of your own.
2. Tag other un-tagged people.
What's your favorite article of clothing?
**The jeans I got at the Bass Shoes store. The outlet stores sell clothing, and I love some of it!
Who was the last person you hugged?
What's your favorite dinner?
**Spicy Botan Shrimp from Crave Lounge in Dearborn, MI
What was the last thing you bought?
**Groceries. Exciting, I know!
What are you listening to right now?
** The Lions/Vikings Game.
What is your favorite weather?
**Sunny, slight breeze, around 75 degrees.
What is your least favorite season?
** Winter in MI.
Who do you admire the most?
**My mom.
Say something to the person who tagged you:
**Nobody tagged me!
What is your favorite dessert or cool treat?
What did you want to be as a child?
**An eye doctor.
What do you want to be now?
What is your favorite song?
**"Piano Man" by Billy Joel
Which is you favorite country/state, and why?
**Hmm. Costa Rica, I think. I love it there. It is relaxing, beautiful, the people are happy and friendly. The wildlife is SO diverse. And the weather is aMAZing.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
**I think I would pick Manistee to see my Mom and Nick, my nephew.
What are your most challenging goals right now?
**I don't really have anything ultra challenging going on. I guess training our new secretary?
What is your 5 year plan?
**I dont really do 5 year plans. However, I hope to be retired at that point.
What is your favorite sport to watch?
What show would you want to be a cast member on (reality included)?
**The Amazing Race.
What is your most prized possession?
**my passport.
Name one favorite childhood memory.
**hanging in Glennie on vacation with my cousins and friends.
What is your favorite book of the Bible?
** Psalms
What is your favorite quote?
**"Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."- William Penn
What is your favorite movie?
**Legally Blonde
Now I tag any one of you who would like to do this...and leave me a comment if you did so I can read your answers :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
From Sarah.....
Age? 12
Were you in school? yes. Or my parents would have been arrested, haha. I was in 6th grade.
Where did you work? I did not work. Chores around the house was about it. :).
Where did you live? Manistee, MI.
What were your regular haunts? Jamie's house, Becky's house, Jessica's house.
Did you wear glasses? Yes.
Who was your best friend? Jamie.
How many tattoos did you have? None.
How many piercings did you have? My ears.
What did you drive? haha. My Mom drove me everywhere.
What was your biggest goal? to be popular and do well in school.
Ten years ago (November 1999)
Age? 22
Were you in school? Yeppers
Where did you work? Aquilina Law Firm
Where did you live? Lansing, MI
What were your regular haunts? Mostly did stuff with Kurt, Nichole's house, the mall
Did you wear glasses? yes.
Who was your best friend? Kurt
How many tattoos did you have? None
How many piercings did you have? my ears
Five Years Ago (November 2004)
Age? 27
Were you in school? Yes. Wayne State University Law school
Where did you work? Haskell Law firm
Where did you live? Newport, MI
What were your regular haunts? I had no life. School and Work.
Did you wear glasses? Yes
Who were your best friends? Kurty
How many tattoos did you have? None
How many piercings did you have? my ears
What did you drive? Mostly, my Saturn. Also, the Wrangler.
One Year Ago (November 2008)
Were you in school? Nope.
Where did you work? Haskell Law Firm
Where did you live? Newport, MI
What were your regular haunts? My house. :).
What was your favorite song? Piano Man by Billy Joel
Who were your best friends? Kurty
What was your prized possession? My passport
What did you drive? Mostly, my Saab.
What were you looking forward to? Changes that were to come at the office, we were talking about hiring new attorneys.
As of today (November 2009)
Age? 32
Are you in school? No
Where do you work? Haskell Law Firm
What are your regular haunts? Home.
Do you wear glasses? Yes
Who is your best friend? Kurty
Do you talk to your old friends? yes
How many tattoos do you have? None
How many piercings do you have? ears
What do you drive? Mostly, my Saab 9-3 Aero Convertible.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Taurus - Ruled by Saturn : [ April 21 - May 21]: My birthday is May 17.
• A Feminine Negative Fixed Earth Sign
• Polar or Opposite sign: Scorpio
• Colour - Shades of verdant green
• Stubborn and dependable, you are blessed with a bullish steadiness, which is your very own. (this is very true)
Taurus Traits
Positive Traits
• Patient and reliable: Hmm, don't really know on patient.
• Warmhearted and loving
• Persistent and determined
• Placid and security loving: had to look up placid, haha.
Negative Traits
• Jealous and possessive
• Resentful and inflexible: I would not say I am inflexible, but I do resist change sometimes.
• Self-indulgent and greedy: I am not greedy at all.
Taurus Likes: permanency, stability, luxury, comfort, pleasure and good food: all true
Taurus Dislikes: disruption, being rushed, being indoors, being pushed too hard and any break in routine: all true as well
Important Parameters
Lucky Number - 6
Lucky Color - Green
Lucky Flower - Violet
Lucky Gemstone - Sapphire, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Moss Agate, Jade and Opal
Lucky Day - Friday
General features
Taurus represents art, beauty in all its forms, and strength (not only physical). Taureans are realistic, security loving (both on the material and psychological level). In order to obtain this kind of security, they use all their qualities of resistance, quietness, patience and practical intelligence. The steady character makes them reliable and practical with a natural ability for business or anything involving money. They are placid and at times stubborn as they do not appreciate change. They seldom lose control, but when they get angry they can be violent (LOL, I am never violent, although I do sometimes overreact when angry). This is the reason why it is necessary for him to find the right partner. Most people with Taurus prominent have a deep, powerful, or melodious voice. Among their most suitable careers: interior decorator, teacher, and cook (dont know how attorney fits in here, haha). Most of all taureans like relaxing, but only after having reached a prefixed goal (SOO true of me). Person born under this sign, are an endearing combination of the dependable and sensible, the sensitive and emotional. Taurus is not attracted easily, and even when they are, they move towards the person they desire with extreme caution. Taurus will look at the person they desire, they will analyze their positives and their faults, and then they will decide if to move forward.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Still Sick
Saturday, Kurt and I went to the Michigan/Purdue game with our friend, Mike, and his wife, Mary. Mike is a friend of ours who is an attorney. He is on the other side of many of our cases, and he is a really kewl, laidback guy. Very "nonattorney" like. LOL. Anyway, Mike took us to a tailgate party, took us to watch the drums for the band warm up (which was awesome, they are incredible) and got us into the game with NO waiting in line (gotta love the secrets of the season ticket holders). Our seats were aMAZing, on the 50 yard line. MI lost the game, but I had an amazing time, and the weather was more than awesome, especially for November. I started feeling kinda tired after the game, so we came home and chilled for the rest of the night.
Today, I wanted to go to Trader Joe's, and I usually go to the one in Northville since it is near my Aunt's house in Canton. My Dad was over there and had taken my Grama to the hair salon, so we all met up and went to lunch at Max and Erma's. Then, Auntie and I went to TJs and I stocked up on fish, cheese, and chili, and bought some bread since I was almost out. BTW, tried the bread tonight (I have never bought bread there before), and super yummy! I bought sourdough. The guys were over today and put up the new ceiling fans which look even more kewl than I thought! I need to take pics, but am being lazy right now. They also fixed our recessed lighting which had issues, and fixed the breaker issue I was having in the kitchen, but splitting apart some of the plugs. they are coming back tomorrow to go through the rest of the house. We found out the guy is a licensed builder and can do pretty much whatever we want, so we are going to put together a list and see what is worth paying people for and what is not.
Click here if you want news on the office.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Lisa's Questions
Lisa's posed questions were as follows:
What was your highschool career like? Did you play any sports, invovled in any groups, date any jocks ;)
Click here to see the responses.
Friday, November 06, 2009
So, Sarah, this is for you! Here are her questions.
1- How did you meet Kurt?
2- When and why did you decide to go to law school?
3- When are you & Kurty planning your next San Diego?Hahahaha :)
Click here to see the details.
Thought I would put it out there, if anyone wants to know anything about me, write me on here or email me, and I will blog about it!
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Home Sick
An electrician came yesterday and looked at the ceiling fan job as well as some work I need done in the kitchen. Gave us an estimate, and are coming back on Sunday to complete the project. I can't wait!
Monday, November 02, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Kurt and I laid pretty low this weekend. Which was great. Friday, Kurt left work at 2, and I left around 4 to run some errands. Gretel Olivia came into work with us and dressed like a bumblebee. She was super cute. Ran to Bed Bath and Beyond and Sams Club after work--needed some groceries at Sam's and wanted to buy this laundry bag thing at Bed Bath and Beyond that you can wash nylons in. i also bought these towels for my hair I have been eyeing for some time (i read an article about how it is awful to wrap your hair up in a normal bath towel, which I do like every morning. Spent the rest of the night at home with Kurt, went to dinner at Nick and Nino's, then chilled at home.
Saturday, I had lunch with my friend, Hollie, and she treated, which was so not necessary, but so nice of her! She also brought me a gift, this little piece of art work with a pug on it that is so freaking cute. Thanks again, Hollie! After that, headed to Farmington Hills to see my Mom, who had just flown in from Tampa. Spent most of the day and part of the night with her, had dinner with two of my Uncles and one of my Aunts as well as my Mom and Ronnie, then headed home to hang with Kurty. We got NO trick or treaters, which is normal, LOL. My Mom and I went to Ulta because I had a coupon to use, and I ended up buying Redken shampoo and conditioner on sale, some new eyeshadow that came with two free lip glosses (whoot) and lip stick.
Kurt and I ran some errands today and did some light work at the office. spent the rest of the day at home doing laundry, dishes, relaxing.
On a side note, I should never watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Every single time I watch this show, I cry. I am seriously pathetic. :).
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lights Shining Down........
I have a guy coming tomorrow to look at the fireplace. We have a gas fireplace in the great room, and it has not worked since two winters ago. Yea, we never called anyone last winter. Whoops. Anyway, hopefully it is a simple fix and I can light the fireplace again this winter. I love the fireplace.
I ordered the ceiling fans I wanted today, and talked the place down on price with the use of price matching. Also, got a free table fan with purchase, which I will put in my office. They should be delivered within a week or so, and then I am going to call the electrician to fix various things in the house.
We are also going to call some people about painting inside. I really want to paint the great room and entrance to the house a dark brown color, and paint the kitchen a darker red, as well as the bedroom some shade of blue. I normally would not pay someone to paint, but with the bad economy in MI, it may be worth it with the discount service prices we can get. Plus, the ceilings are crazy high in the foyer and great room for Kurt to paint. He would most likely harm himself, haha.
We stayed home all day Sunday and relaxed. Well, relaxed in between cleaning, laundry, cooking. I made an awesome apple crisp, yum. Kurt did some fall work in the garage, we put the cover on the one car and parked it for winter, and hooked the other car up to the battery charger and it is not down for the winter as well. BOOHOO to no fun cars. It has not snowed yet, so I still get to drive the Saab until the first snowfall. :). Then it's back to the winter vehicles, BOO. Winter sucks. Cold weather sucks. Snow sucks......Why do I live here again? We are supposed to have an unseasonably warm November, so that will be kewl.
Saturday, I headed to Farmington Hills to see my Mom and other family. My mom and stepDad were down to drive my grandparents to Florida, where they live in the winter. It was also Carolyn's (my cousin) 13th birthday party. So, I got to see a ton of family and hang out with Carolyn. :). My Aunt bought her a gorgeous cake, which was eaten pretty quickly and she made dinner for everyone, including salmon for me.
Tonight, the office (minus Misty who could not go as she has other things going on), went to the largest haunted house in the world, Erebus. We had a BLAST. It was about 45 minutes inside, and it was scary! Everyone screamed a LOT and we had a blast. I highly recommend going to anyone in the area.

This week is going by super quickly, for some reason. Which is awesome, as I can't wait for the weekend, as I get to see my Mom again! Yay.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I've Come to Realize That....
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT I LOVE: doing nothing. I remember, when I was youunger, I wanted to be doing *something* at every waking moment, whatever it was. I would be bored just sitting at home. Now? I cherish the time I have at home, doing nothing. LOVE IT.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT I SAY: things a little bit too harshly sometimes. I am a tell it like it is kinda girl. And while sometimes I should chill a little bit, I really think this approach is usually the best.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT I AM: more confident than I thought i was. When I was younger, like pre-6th grade, I was SUPER shy to the point that I would barely talk to anyone unless I really, really knew them. I have always thought of myself as shy, but have realized I am not so much anymore!
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT I'VE LOST: my desire to buy most things house related. I think it's because I want to move out of the country and dont want to have a lot of things to deal with if I leave.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT I HATE: hunting. animal cruelty. child abuse.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT MARRIAGE IS: amazing. And has been since the start.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT THE BEST: friend one should ever have is their spouse, followed by their mom.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT LOVE: is how we get through hard times.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT THE LAST TIME I CRIED: Was over a 90210 episode. Wow, I am lame. haha.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT, WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING: I should just get up and stop hitting the alarm! :).
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT RIGHT NOW: I'm relaxed and should be cleaning.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT BABIES: are very time consuming and life changing.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT I GET ON MYSPACE: very rarely. More for work research. LOL.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT TODAY: I am tired, but need to clean. See a theme in these posts?
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT TONIGHT: I will prob make dinner, work out, and chill with Kurty watching football.
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT TOMORROW: I will work. No court though, whoot! Well, we have court, but Jessica and Stacey are covering it so we can catch up on paperwork.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sizes BLAH

My new ring came in the mail today, the one I ordered as my anniversary gift? haha. Anyway, it is too big AARGH. But, I mailed it back and they are going to send me a size smaller. I loved it though, so I am glad about that! :). Wish it would have fit right though.
I have been looking for a black coat, and finally found one online that I like. It is pictured above, and is made by Betsey Johnson, AND I got an amazing deal on it. A friend referred me to this site, Ideeli, for shopping, and I get emails a couple times a week from them. they have designer stuff, for like 80% off. Men's, women's, home, etc. Anyway, I have never bought anything from them until today. We will see if it fits right when it comes in the mail. My fav part about this coat is the buttons, which are little hearts. Love. :).
Picked up our typhoid vaccine tonight and took the first pill. Does not seem to have any side effects, except I am tired! I am always tired on Friday night though, so can't tell if it's the vaccine or just normal! :). We had sushi at Dolce tonight, and have just been chilling the rest of the night.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I was SOOOOOO excited to do this one particular court hearing this morning, and was bummed that the other side did not show. Well, not really, cuz it was their hearing and I had their Motion dismissed, which thrilled my client, but i was looking forward to arguing the case as the details are great and totally on my client's side. What also sucks is I had to sit down there for almost two hours in order to simply have something dismissed. AARGH.
Oh, BTW? Jennifer Granholm sucks. And yes, I voted for her.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Jessica!

My arms are killing me. We had an appointment with the travel doctor today to get a polio booster and the first in a series of three shots for the rabies vaccine. Normally, shots don't hurt me at all, but for some reason, both my arms are sore, moreso the rabies shot. I think it is because the rabies needle is slightly different than the normal vaccine needles. Anyway. Ow. Hopefully they hurt less by morning.
Today is Jessica's 28th birthday. We had an office lunch, we sent her flowers at the office that were really pretty and all pink, and we all went out to Malarky's after work. It was a nice day. Pic here is of me and Kurt at the after dinner event. :). Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy ***** Day!

So today, I went with two of my Aunt's to Birch Run for some outlet shopping. I had a great day. I ended up finding some great deals. I got a suit at the Kasper Outlet, made by Le Suit. Marked down from $200.00 to $55.00. What a deal. I love deals like that. Also bought a pair of dress pants, sweater and heels at Ann Taylor, a pair of jeans at the Bass Outlet, PUG boxers for Kurt at JCrew (like I could not buy those), some kewl Pyrex bowls at the Corningware Outlet, and knee high nylons at the Leggs Hanes Store. I also bought this really cute apron at Le Gourmet Chef that is cobalt blue and says Kiss My Asparagus.
We had lunch at A&W and I love having their rootbeer, it's the best ever. The best moment of the day was when we were at A&W and heading out to the car and Aunt Marlene totally went to the wrong car and tried to get in while Aunt Karen and I were walking in the other direction. It was hilarious. I would not stop laughing.....
Today, I headed into Southgate to run some errands. we needed pop and Kurt needed Breath Right strips, which i only buy at Sams Club. There was NO LINE at customer service, which never happens, so I fixed my card which was having an issue. I bought these new vitamins, which I started taking today. Anyone take anything like this before? It is supposed to give you the nutrients from fruits and veggies that one needs in a day, and since I dont eat a ton of those, I thought this would help me out. I guess we will see how I like them. I headed to Petsmart after that because Gretel needed a new winter sweater. Ended up buying her a really cute pink one. Also bought her a halloween costume. Gretel will be a bee this year! :). Also, picked up some doggie food, a new kind that looks good for them. While at Petsmart, I kept seeing pug after pug, it was surreal! I finally realized that they have a pug Sunday one day a month and people bring their pugs to play in a backroom there. I probably saw like 30 pugs, at least, a bunch of them in Halloween costumes, the best of which, was a pug banana. I have to take the pugs next month, well at least Vito and Gretel. Oscar gets nervous in social situations. :). Headed after that to the mall. My sunglasses, the awesome Revos I got on clearance in May 2008, died. One of the lenses kept popping out, and this last time, it fell and cracked a little bit. So, they are being retired. :(. I became spoiled with the polarized lenses in those, so I went to Sunglasses Hut to look at only polarized pairs. I wanted another pair of Revos, but they did not have any styles that I liked this time. I tried on some I loved that were Dolce and Gabbana, but they were not polarized. I ended up with a pair of Maui Jim's. Never heard of the brand before, but I like the lenses. They have this weird policy at that store where you can "try out" the lenses for 90 days and if you bring them back, you can trade them for another pair. OK, seriously, I will do it just to get a new pair. What a weird policy. (picture above is of me in the sunglasses, taken in the car, so excuse the bad quality). Headed to Lady Foot Locker next to look for shoes. I had about given up on finding new ones. Everywhere I have looked previously, I either liked nothing, or they did not have my size. All my fashion tennies are OLD, like I think at least two years old, and I want to get rid of some and replace, but can't until I find new ones! Anyway, I lucked out today. I bought a pair of Pumas and a pair of New Balance (I did not even know New Balance made non-running shoes).
Did a bunch of laundry this weekend (still not done, UGH), and made a really yummy salmon pasta dinner tonight, and watched Desperate Housewives, which is the only show left on TV that I actually watch weekly. No court in the morning, so hopefully things are calm! :). Hope everyone else had a nice and productive weekend!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Happy Bosses' Day

Last night, I saw Legally Blonde: The Musical at the Fisher Theatre in Detroit. I totally, and completely, LOVED IT. Not surprising at all, since the movie is my favorite movie. I would see it again I loved it so much. I highly recommend it to anyone who has the chance to see it.
I am researching buying two new ceiling fans for the living room. I think I have it narrowed down to the one I want to buy, but I am still looking just to make sure. the ones in the living room I have NEVER liked. Mostly because the guy who built our house had horrible taste in lighting. The one I like it pictured above, and is by Minka Aire, which I have never heard of before. Seems like a nice brand though from the reviews the fan gets on sites. We are going to have an electrician come to the house to fix some odds and ends in the house, and will have the ceiling fans put in then.
the heat was not working in our house this week for two days, and was finally fixed yesterday, which is awesome. We found a new guy to work on thte furnace, a referral. He is awesome, super fast, and best of all, CHEAP! Hooray! Three trips to the house and his labor cost was only $65. I almost felt guilty about it, but I paid him what he asked......
Vito has still been coming into the office daily to get his drops. I think his eye looks like it is improving, but the little mark from the cut is still kinda there. Hopefully, he is given a clean bill of health on Monday and we can stop bringing him in. I love having him there, but I dont get as much work done, because he likes to sit in my lap! :).
i am going shopping with two of my Aunts tomorrow. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Staying Positive
We, and society in general, tend to get upset about really trivial things. Get mad at people for stupid reasons. Get worked up, yell, get stressed out, over things that could easily be forgotten.
I try to live my life by seeing the positive side of things, the glass half full. I try to take bad situations and make them good, but I still to complain, and get worked up about things that should not really matter.
An attorney I know, who worked in the downriver area (and now lives elsewhere) was diagnosed with glioblastoma, which from what I read, is a very aggressive form of brain cancer. She had a headache that would not go away, and proactively had it checked out, and this is what was found. She had surgery, she is having chemo. Through ALL of this, she stays positive. I am sure she has her down days, but her journaling of everything is so upbeat and positive. I wonder what I really have to complain about, EVER. She has a potentially deadly cancer, deals with constant medical treatments, and is only 30 years old.
Does it really matter if a restaurant screws up our lunch order? Does it really matter if that person cuts you off on the highway? Does it really matter if another attorney annoys me on the phone?
I think we all need to step back, daily, and appreciate what we have. Our family, our friends, our significant other, our pets, our careers, our health, whatever. Cuz you know what? No matter what is going on in your life, it could be worse. And if this individual I am talking about can stay positive, then so can all of we.
So, when things seem horrible, think about the good things. Take a deep breath. And smile.
Monday, October 12, 2009
13 Years
I am truly blessed to be married to someone I consider my best friend, and get to spend so much time with him every day since we work together as well. I love that our relationship is soooo easy, and I am never one to say that our marriage is work at all. It just "is", and I would not have it any other way.
Anyway, HAPPY DATING ANNIVERSARY, baby! I love you, and can't wait to spend the next 13 years with you (and more).
Book Review

Happy Anniversary to Me! And Kewl New Site.
Can't wait to get the ring. I love jewelry, but I have a LOT of jewelry, so it's rare for me to find something that I really want, and I love the vintage look of this.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Anyway, tried on three pairs and liked them all, but settled on a pair similar to these, but a darker colored wash. I also ended up buying a really cute jacket in black, a cute shirt to wear under my suits in cranberry, two bodyshapers to wear under the jacket I bought and another jacket i have (as well as under sweaters I have as well or suits), a necklace, and three pairs of socks. I used a coupon I had for $50 off! And, they gave me another coupon at checkout for use in November, where I get $45 off if I spend $90. Love it. I wore my new jacket and one of the tanks to dinner with the new necklace. We had dinner tonight at Nick and Nino's and watched some football. It was nice.
Also stopped at Best Buy today because I had $40 in rewards dollars to use that expire soon and I ended up buying a Spanish program which I started using today. Today, I worked on numbers, colors and time. I am going to try and do a little bit per week.
I had two interesting hearings on Friday, which I am going to private blog about.
Tomorrow, if the weather is OK, i may head to the state park and take some pics of the leaves changing colors.....Also really need to get some laundry done and mop. Ugh. Taking pics sounds better, I think. :).
One of my friends in northern MI said that they got SNOW today. It did not stick, but still, snow? NO. Mother Nature, please let the snow stay up there and in Iowa with Megan, or in Colorado with Alex, and leave me alone. I am not ready for snow.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Update on Vito
Vito had an appointment today for his eye, and the specialist said that although it is healing slowly, it IS healing and he will be fine. They gave him two other drops (now he has three) and he has to go back for a recheck on Monday. They did some other tests on his eye too, and Kurt said he was a perfect pug angel through all of them. He loves vets. He is so weird, but, that's why I love him! :). I am just glad that he will be OK and will not need surgery or anything. He is getting to be quite the fixture at the office though. He mostly sits in a chair next to my desk and snores through appointments. He is going to be mad at us when he starts staying home again. Poor guy. ;).
Had a massage last night. Loving the new girl I am seeing. She is crazy mean, almost to the point where she uses too much pressure, but not quite--which is perfect for me. Since my last appointment until this one, I had no migraines, nothing, and I did not feel like i *needed* a massage, before the appointment. During the apppointment, it became apparent that I did, but still, it's nice to not feel screwed up all the time.
This week has been pretty hectic at work, as I dont know if there has been one day where everyone was in the office at all times of one day. Jessica was out sick part of Monday, and all of Tuesday, and then part of the day today at the dr. Kory was out sick this afternoon. Misty was out with a sick daughter yesterday and took tomorrow off. Stacey was at a conference most of the day today (which was a good thing though since it was for the office). Vito had two dr appointments that took Kurt out of the office. And we have had court, like usual, every morning. There was a short time today when I was the ONLY one at work, which was SOOOO odd. I will be glad when everyone is not sick. I don't know how I avoid the sicknesses, but then again, even when I am sick, i am working, LOL. I have to pretty much be dying to not work. Such is life when you are self-employed. But, i got a lot of work done today, oddly, as I finished a Brief I was working on, and cleared off some of my desk.
Anyway, I know this post is random, but that's all I got! :). Pic above is from the Sansa plane going from San Jose to Golfito. Love the small planes that allow pictures to be taken like this......I miss Costa Rica already and we have barely been gone. :(.
Michael Vick Sucks
I can't believe he murders all those dogs, and NOW, we let him have a TV show.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Cd Rec
Random Updates
Sunday, during football season, Kurt spends the bulk of the day watching 800 football games, so I decided to do things around the house, grocery shop, and go look for long sleeved shirts at Kohl's. I finally broke down and decided that it is cold here, and I cannot wear t-shirts and capris any longer. I had $20 in Kohl's cash and a 30% off coupons. Got some awesome deals there. Everything I bought was on sale. I bought Kurt two new sweathers and two long sleeved shirts, and bought myself 9 long sleeved shirts (which includes sweather and knit shirts). Also bought three rings that are super cute, my fav was one that cost $4 after all deals. Whoot. At the grocery store, I used a TON of coupons and saved a LOT of money there too. I heart saving funds! :).
Jessica sent me a text on Sunday that she has shingles! I had no clue what it was, but after researching, figured out it is not contagious if you have had chicken pox, which everyone at the office has. How painful though. She came into work today, but, she ended up leaving early and is now not coming back in until Wednesday, so we are down one until then.......Thankfully, court is not too crazy tomorrow and Wednesday.
Last night, I made Kurt a 7-layer dip (which I slightly modified taking out salsa and adding banana peppers, oh, and changing black olives to green) from a Kroger recipe I got in the mail. It was super yummy (I tried a bite)
Vito's eye is not getting too much better, so I had to make him an appointment with a specialist. I don't even remember if I blogged about this or not, but the morning before we left for Costa Rica, Vito was kinda squinting with one of his eyes and we took him into the vet. He got some kind of small cut on his eye, but they do not think it is anything horrible. They gave us drops to give him with a recheck appointment. They rechecked him the day we got back, and things had not improved so they changed th drops to new ones. We have been giving him those and took him back last night and although they think he has improved some, they suggested taking him into a specialist to be sure. So, we have that appointment tomorrow. Poor little guy! He lucked out though, since the drops are every two hours, he has been coming into the office with us daily. :).
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Trip Report--Costa Rica September 2009
Thursday, we left super early from Detroit and flew via Continental Airlines through Houston to San Jose, Costa Rica. We were staying one night in San Jose, as there are no later afternoon flights to Golfito, our final destination. We got there, and our hotel near San Jose, the Holiday Inn Express, picked us up at the airport. As soon as we exited the airport, they were there with a sign with my name on it, and we jumped on their shuttle and headed to the hotel. Got there, and we were all exhausted, so we took a 1.5 hour nap, then headed out to the Hotel Del Ray, as Kurt really wanted to show Kory the spectacle that it is. The hotel is known for it’s prostitutes (which is legal in Costa Rica). Anyway, it was crazy. We had dinner there and just watched the action. There is a casino there as well, but most guys go just to check out the “eye candy” and hire girls for the night. The way it works is so odd there though, the guys have to almost “court” the girls, hang out with them and get to know them, and then they head off to a room. It was great entertainment. Anyway, the food there was really good, considering that the place is obviously not known for good meals. After dinner, we played a little bit of blackjack, then headed back to the room. I was exhausted, so while Kurt and Kory headed next door to Casino Fiesta, I stayed in the room and showered, read a book, and watched TV.
Friday, we got up super early again to catch our flight to Golfito via Sansa Air. Got the small airport and checked it, waited with the other 8 passengers to board. Really small plane, but great flight. Arrived in Golfito at the airport and a taxi picked us up and took us to the boat dock, where the captain of the Golfo Dulce Lodge’s boat greeted us and took us on our 25 minute boat ride to the Lodge. Arrived at the Lodge and to breakfast, which was good. Fresh fruit, eggs, meat (for Kory), fresh squeezed juice, toast. During breakfast, a herd of peccaries was spotted nearby, so we all got up to go see them. Pretty kewl to see one of my fav animals within 10 minutes of arriving! The peccaries remind me of pugs--they look like large hairy pigs and snort like them too! After that, we were shown to our room and unpacked some. Our cabin was nice……two beds (one single and one double), with a bathroom and a living room seating area, and a large front porch with a hammock and chairs. Decided that day to head into the City of Golfito to meet with a realtor Kurt had contacted prior to our trip about seeing some property on Tower Road in Golfito (a 300 acre jungle parcel). So, the boat captain took us back into town, and on the way, we saw dolphins! Swimming and jumping right next to our boat. That was awesome. Found the Realtor, and she took us to that piece, as well as another one she thought we might like. The 300 acre piece ended up not being what we wanted. A lot of the property was this really steep drop, and would have been really hard to hike and explore. The other piece however, was pretty kewl, but more than we currently want to spend. It had a house, pool and two cabins, with 110 jungle acres. We will keep it on our radar, although, I do not think Golfito is where we will end up living. It’s a tiny bit too remote, I think. Anyway. Had lunch at this place called Buenos Dios in town, which is the ONLY air conditioned restaurant in Golfito. Food was yummy, I had shrimp with rice and black beans. We explored Golfito some, then met Kory at this bar near the ocean, where he was drinking and waiting for us. Kory fished some with the bartender at the place (called Samoa Bar and Restaurant), and we then headed back to the lodge for the night. Saw some macaws and toucans, had dinner (needle fish, which was a first for me and super yummy) and went to bed. Oh, we found out we were the Lodge’s ONLY guests for our time there. There were more staff working than us (the guests).
Saturday, we got up early to hike to the Tower at the Lodge. On the way, we saw agouti, coati, macaws and toucans. Went to the top of the Tower, which was really high and overlooked the entire jungle. Had breakfast, then went on a boat tour of the Rio Equinas. Wow, it was HOT. This was the day, even with sunscreen, the three of us got burned. I mostly only got burned on my shoulders and top of my back though, which was good for me because usually, my entire body burns from the sun there the first time exposed. We saw a lot of birds on the tour, as well as caiman and crocodiles. The tour was pretty kewl as we did not really see anyone else during the entire thing. Pretty deserted river. Came back and had lunch, then took a nap on the hammock on the porch. Headed to the beach at the Lodge, laid in hammocks there, and watched the macaws play in the trees and scream at us. They have the funniest call for such a gorgeous bird……Kory went swimming, and we napped some and I read a book. After that, headed to the house and property next door to the Lodge, which was for sale. Met with the owner, but the house only has two acres and she is asking too much for it. We also think she sells drugs or was doing them….LOL. Came back to the Lodge and took an awesome hike on this trail, where we saw capuchin monkeys, squirrel monkeys, scarlet macaws, and other birds. This was the closest I have ever been to squirrel monkeys ever. Saw them in the Osa last year, but from afar. Chilled and played Scrabble until dinner. Took a short night hike where we saw a snake, some frogs, and a turtle (near the pond at the Lodge).
Sunday, got up and headed on a hike to the Lodge waterfall. Glad we had a guide for that one, as we NEVER would have found it on our own. It was on an unmarked trail that went ALL over the place--walk in the river, go up on a trail, back in the river, etc. We wore large boots because the Guide said “sometimes snakes swim in the river we are walking in”. Yes, please, I will take the boots! :). On the way to the waterfall, we stopped and the Guide knocked some coconuts out of a tree and showed us how to peel and open them, and we got to try coconut milk, which tastes NOTHING like coconut. It was very sweet and good! And I do not like coconut. He also showed us how to take palm leaf and make it into little creatures. Although we all sucked at that. The waterfall was beautiful. We stayed there for a while admiring it and walking around looking for creatures. Kurt found a tarantula in a hole that was pretty freaky. Came back to the Lodge and had breakfast. We then relaxed a lot the remainder of the day, playing cards and Scrabble, hanging out at the beach. Took a short hike later that evening and say a tayra (which I had never seen before) and an agouti and various birds. Had dinner, then took another longer night hike through the jungle. We saw a kinkajou, heard owls, saw frogs, toads, turtle, various spiders and bugs, etc. After that, bed.
Monday, we got up and had breakfast and headed to a nearby town via boat called Puerto Jimenez. Explored the town, and bought some souvenirs and had lunch. Kurt bought a wood carving of a squirrel monkey and a painting of a red eyed tree frog. I bought a really kewl local carved vase with monkeys on it. Kory bought a soccer ball. We had lunch at a place called Juanitas Restaurant, which served Mexican food. Found an Internet café with air conditioning so we could check our email and such. Headed back to the lodge after that. Hung out at the beach and played Rummy, then headed on one more hike at the lodge. Kurt and I headed out ourselves and we saw a TON--peccaries (9), agouti, macaws, 4 green parrots (which was awesome, as they are really rare to see for us anyway), and squirrel monkey CRAZINESS. They were everywhere. We stood there for quite some time and watched them, and I think there was at least 15 of them playing above us in the trees. They are super adorable. I was in heaven. Went back to the Lodge, and Kory had seen a fer de lance while we were gone! Which is a really poisonous snake, if you are bitten you have to get to a hospital within 2 hours to get treated or you will die. The snake came right into the dining area and was just chilling near the pool. Had dinner, then went to bed.
Tuesday, got up super early (again) and headed to catch our flight. Took a gorgeous early morning boat ride, taxi met us, then we waited at the airport. Got into San Jose and had a long layover, so we checked our bags and did all the stuff with the tax you pay to leave the country, then headed to lunch at Denny’s nearby. Came back to the airport and did some shopping at the airport. Bought a really kewl wood carved bowl, and some postcards, then charged my phone and checked my email. Flight to Houston, then layover, then Detroit. In Houston, Kory got stopped by the customs drug dog, and had all his stuff searched. First time I have ever been in the customs area. They of course found nothing and we got to the Detroit flight just in time. Got home at midnight and that was the end of the trip!
Overall, another awesome Central American trip. Highlight of the trip was probably the squirrel monkeys and scarlet macaws, as well as the remote location of our Lodge and all the wildlife available for viewing right there. Oh, and the dolphins we saw. Lowlights would have been the couple early flights (I am so not a morning person), and the lack of Internet at the Lodge. It did not really bother me, but it was killing Kurt to now know the scores of several games going on, like the Tigers and Lions. He survived though. The weather was also extremely hot and very muggy, but it’s better than MI, so I won’t complain!
Click here to see the pics.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Home "Sweet" Home
but, I am home, all flights were safe, and I am working on the pile of work on my desk today.
i will try to work on pics and start a trip report this week.
to sum it up though, we had an awesome time. loved the golfito area, and the lodge we stayed at was really remote, and had a TON of endangered wildlife. i felt completely relaxed, which is rare for me, and when I was not exploring little towns and hiking with the monkeys, I was sleeping in a hammock on the beach or the porch of our cabin, or kicking Kurt and Kory's asses at Rummy. Bliss.
More later.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Leaving on a Jet Plane
So, Britton is house sitting when we are gone, and we have everything ready for him. Kory stocked the frig with beer, and a long note is left for him regarding the babies. Vito had to go to the vet this morning, unexpected, and now has eye drops to take for the next couple weeks. He scrathed his eye on something in the yard. Nothing bad, but enough to require some meds. Poor little guy. He spent the day at the office with us though, and liked that. He loves the office and being spoiled.
We fly into Houston and then onto San Jose tomorrow morning. We will explore San Jose tomorrow (Kurt and I have been there before, but Kory never has, except the airport). Kurt hopes to take Kory's pic with somoe prostitutes in the casino in San Jose, LOL. We then leave on Friday morning for Golfito, for our happy lodge in the middle of freaking nowhere. We take a boat there and there is like no internet, electricity, nothing. Generator powered stuff, but it will be amazing. I love being totally cut off from the world. I need it, with how crazy the office is. Speaking of crazy, today was insane. I filed 13 bankruptcies, and did a ton of other paperwork, appointments, phone calls, etc. I did get a lot of stuff done though, and hope to not come back to too much insanity. Stacey and Jessica have to cover a lot of hearings and stuff while we are gone, and it is the first time Kurt and I have really gone anywhere since they started back in January and March! Well, I guess we went to philly and london, but we rescheduled everything during those trips. Just tomorrow they have like 12 hearings between the two of them. Fingers crossed that everything goes well for them. It will be hectic! :).
I am hoping I am not forgetting anything. I always seem to forget SOMETHING. Usually eye make-up remover. Or cotton balls. Or my contact case. But, I think I got it all! :).
Anyway, talk to everyone when we get back!